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Kinect Safety...?

Dec 12, 2010
da da nu nu da da nu nu nuu nuuu nuuuuuuuuuuu - Batman

EDIT: You should ware a Bath towel on your Back so it can Adsorb the IR bouncing off the wall behind you and hitting your Back and Neck!! A shirt isn't going to adsorb all the IR..... You ware a full ski mask to protect your Face Right?
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Dec 27, 2011
I see a bunch of people trying to attack the poster because in this case the post is something they disagree with. That IS a symptom of insecurity ;)
What is the average age in this forum by the way?

Back to the topic, I would not put my eyes close to it for sure:

I was on the beach all summer long and I did not wear a hat, but I am not willing to bet my vision on the definition of a device being safe/laser or not.

And I am giving my experiment a little more try. Yesterday I was able to play fine and I might just keep it.
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Sep 20, 2008
I see a bunch of people trying to attack the poster because in this case the post is something they disagree with. That IS a symptom of insecurity ;)
What is the average age in this forum by the way?

Doing a little research and reading will allow you to know
the average age on the Forum... What that has to do with this
Thread is beyond me....:thinking:

I seem to see a New Member Poster that has a problem with a
snooty attitude and no understanding of what he reads...
I saw no attack.... That IS a symptom of paranoia...

You post on an open public Forum without reading the entire
Thread and still insist that your Toy has a high powered Laser
emitting photons that will harm you.

I have no problem with you having a chip on your shoulder.
Nor do I have a problem with your paranoia about your Kinect
toy or your delusions of being attacked...

Remember this.... This is a Public Forum and any member can
post his opinion. I would be trying a lot harder to fit in a new
place.... rather than the contrary...:cool:

Dec 23, 2008
your eyes were strained not from the kinect, but more than likely from being so close to your tv staring at the bright screen. if you have an lcd tv your backlight was also probably too bright.

Dec 27, 2011
Hi Michael and thank you for the reply.

I am using the same monitor (30" 3008wfp) for both my computer and the Xbox. I have seen movies from a distance and I have never had problems and after I first hooked up the Xbox my eyes feel *better* when I went close the monitor (i.e. after I was done).

There was no major issue (some people say that they see patterns after playing Kinect, I don't have that) but it made me want to google "kinect eyes hurt" :/

My coworker says that he cannot see red lines on the IR, I can. How about the people here, which is more normal to see the lines or not to see them? is it worth doing a poll?


May 26, 2009
Sensitivity to colors is a very individual thing ..... some peoples cannot see 780nm clearly, someone can see it as dim red, some others can see also more (i can see 808nm as dim red, also from low power diodes, but cannot see 980nm camera illuminators, and 780nm for me is normal dark red) ..... anyway, this sight sensitivity have absolutely nothing to do with damage thresholds, a 50mW IR laser straight in an eye is dangerous if you can't see it as same as if you can see it ..... for the same principle, a low power scattered beam can be not dangerous also if you see it clearly .....

About kinect, i was perplexed too, at the start, when i've seen the laser detection system ..... pointing IR lasers in face to the players ? ..... but then, doing some researches, i've seen that they was not completely idiots (:p)

I worked in 3D graphics in the past, so i know that some beams are not enough for track a 3D object fast and accurate, especially if moving ..... you need thousands of them, and for the more professional applications, also polarization and a second camera (and kinect is not a pro tool :p), so i checked for tech specs (a lot more infos in the related links in the page ..... kinect seem a lot hacked for some funny projects, from the open source community ..... finally a microsoft product that can be useful for something other than steal money from users, perhaps :p :D :crackup:) ..... it spread an irregular pattern of some thousand of beams for approx 57 degrees vertically, and approx 43 degrees horizontally ..... at close distance from the emitter, this can be dangerous, but at a pair of meters (the capture max range is 3,5 meters), the beams can hit the eyes only one each time ..... the laser is an 830nm one (not 780nm), and here is an image of the pattern ..... also if the laser is a 60mW one, with all this division, each beam must be safe enough, especially considering that you usually don't stand immobile in front of the sensor, staring at the same beam for all the time (right ? :p) .....

The eye disturbs can be caused from a lot of causes ..... psychosomatic, but also specific sensitivity to "flashes" (you don't see them with bare eyes, but each time a beam hit your retina, there is a small "flashing overload", this camera image , from around 1 minute, can show you better this than my words), or from the game scanning images frequencies (some peoples can have small epilectic crisis just from flashing lights, so some others can just get headache or eye fastidious sensations from them), and so on .....

Now ..... who's the first one that hack it for join it to a computer-controlled laser projector, making a "laser-follower" realtime tracking system show for parties ? ..... :eg: :eg: :eg:
Mar 27, 2011
Now ..... who's the first one that hack it for join it to a computer-controlled laser projector, making a "laser-follower" realtime tracking system show for parties ? ..... :eg: :eg: :eg:

Put me down for one please:can:

One of the requests I had after new years party was to create a system that could scan into the room, at high powers but safely.

This is FAAAAR beyond my ability at present, but kinect was basically the only way I could think of to do it, and even then, I don't think it's mechanically possible. Hope I'm wrong though.


New member
Aug 31, 2022
Well, 10 years later, but this helped alot. I think I found a flaw in everyone's answer though. Kinect is a class 1 laser " product" not a class 1 laser. It is a more powerful laser enclosed inside . The case makes the " product" safe as class 1. Just like dvd burners. Obviously you would need a high power laser to burn, but the writer says class one product ... Am I right?
