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Kinect Safety...?

^^^And yet every year a few geniuses die from looking down the barrels of their guns, while cleaning or perhaps checking if the gun is loaded.

As for the OP - probably just eye strain/fatigue.
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The MPE for a long exposure is roughly 1mW/cm^2. That 0.25mW measured may be on less area than 1 cm^2, so the MPE is probably exceeded if you're within 2 inches from the kinect and looking into it.
You get more and higher mW exposure on a sunny day...
Something doesn't seem right here...:thinking:
Maybe I'm missing something...

As stated, no one plays games sitting 2 inches away from their TV. It can't be done, anyway. So long exposure doesn't come into play. MPE figures are very conservative. The ILDA is considering (maybe have already?) raising the limit on audience scanning in europe to 10x MPE. Many shows have been done with 100x MPE with no reported injuries.

If you feel the need to be scared of something, find something more realistic to be scared of like taking a shower or driving a car.
Did you guys realize that kinect sensor is usually placed next to the console and that ppl get in that dangerous range when changing game discs several times on each session and for several seconds each time.

Specially if you place kinect below tv level and have your console below it you end facing the sensor face to face.
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^^ your right, I cant turn on the TV without seeing another Kinect laser related injury!

For christ's sake will someone close this stupid thread.
I'm taking yevoc's measurements with a grain of salt. I'd like to see measurements performed in a more controlled environment. This would mean 1) the measurements take place in a more isolated, controlled measurement environment--including the operator not holding the sensor in his hand, and away from other electronics or radiation sources; 2) measurements are taken of the environment's temperature and ambient light--including the Kinect being on, but with the IR output blocked--so as to ensure the validity of measurements; 3) detailed measurements such as the graphs Dr.Lava provides would be nice.

One simple test would be to run the close-range measurements at different lateral points from the beam source, but at the same distance to the Kinect itself. If the measurements are roughly the same, the laser itself is not producing the detected light in significant amounts.

I am relatively skeptical that Microsoft would be able to release a product that, even at point blank, would produce dangerous levels of laser radiation. From some supposed IRC transcripts with PrimeSense hardware engineers, the diffuser makes the laser completely safe, even at zero distance.
I don't think it is safe, after hooking it up and just doing the basic calibration my eyes started feeling weird. And they started feeling better once I turned the Xbox off and went close to the computer. So I started googling and found out about the laser.

My first attempted solution was to get some IR safety glasses but that did not work because they block colors too so everything looked green.

So I decided to be creative, I put the kinect relatively low and made these:

After that I thought about something better, normal clear plastic safety glasses with black electrical tape on the bottom.
Because those glasses give him Batman like powers...:crackup::crackup:

Sounds like a psychosomatic response. Anecdotal evidence means nothing in a scientific setting.

Yeah, we need double-blind tests performed in a controlled environment.

A toaster gives off far more IR than a kinect.

That's not really a good comparison, as sunlight bouncing off the pavement gives off more visible light than many dangerous lasers too, and yet the latter can definitely cause blindness.
Anecdotal evidence is the beginning of many scientific findings.
I did not know about the laser until LATER so the psychosomatic explanation is unlikely. I am not dismissing it completely because I am able to see the red patters on the IR laser and maybe that might have had something to do with it.

The toaster does have a greater OVERALL power output but at what frequencies? How often have you found yourself staring at the toaster for hours?

And as to the "joker", those glasses block the line of sight to the IR laser. I have placed the kinect low so that I can see the monitor fine through the opening but if I were to look down at the kinect that path would be blocked by the glass. I added a black tape too so actually now I cannot see the kinect and any direct exposure will be very very brief during jumps or certain movements. Kapish?
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This reminds me of a movie with a guy afraid to touch anything because that things have bacteria on them.
That's not really a good comparison, as sunlight bouncing off the pavement gives off more visible light than many dangerous lasers too, and yet the latter can definitely cause blindness.

The kinect is not a dangerous laser. It's not even collimated, so you can't even put it in the same class as a laser. Unless you walk around for days with one taped to your face, your eyes are in no danger at all. The same is true of a toaster.
And as to the "joker", those glasses block the line of sight to the IR laser. I have placed the kinect low so that I can see the monitor fine through the opening but if I were to look down at the kinect that path would be blocked by the glass. I added a black tape too so actually now I cannot see the kinect and any direct exposure will be very very brief during jumps or certain movements. Kapish?

If you can't take some light ribbing I suggest you find a new place
to hang your hat...

Why don't you sell or throw your Kinect in the crapper since it
is causing you so much hardship...
If I had something in my house that I was ultra sensitive to and
that caused me pain or even headaches I would GET RID OF IT....


