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ArcticMyst Security by Avery

Just ordered 1.5w blue 450nm laser

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New member
Aug 7, 2019
just one last question actually does what is the cost of a laser power metre?if i wanna buy few lasers maybe i should buy it lol so i can test all of them extensively does it cost around 200-100 bucks or more?


New member
Aug 7, 2019
and can i hurt my skin badly or get some allergies if i hit it with laser beam?its 1.5 watt or around it so or will it burn my skin?will i get some blisters etc?or what can happen?


New member
Aug 7, 2019
some people say blue ballon reflect lights of blue laser so if i wear blue shirt will they laser pierce through it?idk i think it will but i thought i would confirm it lol
Dec 15, 2014
Yes please don't double or triple post use the edit button to add to your previous post unless some one posts after you really.
And why would you want to know if it will burn your skin of Course it will at 1.5W , And as for an allergy laser are hypoallergenic but will BURN!! your skin. With all these questions personally maybe you shouldn't buy a powerful laser . I understand you need answers but these questions are really common sense if you diid your homework and did not expect to be spoon-fed here. I'm not being mean or vicious but care a lot if you are really able to have a laser. Sorry please be safe and read about laser safety .
Arctic I deleted thank you much.
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New member
Aug 7, 2019
well i also wanna ask can it blind someone from 20 feet or do eye damage if it goes in the eye?i read somewhere that most blue lasers cant harm the eye from 20-10 feet and around 3-4 feet if they get into ur eye u can get blind i can be wrong so thought i would ask + is it risky to use it outside?if it goes in someone eye who is far away will his eyes gets damaged or something?from how much distance it can damage retina or blind someone?honestly i already ordered the laser so its not really that i should buy it or not at this point its gonna get delivered probably around next week.its just quite fascinating that these lasers can burn everything now after watching few videos i wanna buy 5 watt or 7 watt one but idk if the glasses can save me from that or not if they directly go into my eye as i dont have much experiance it can go into my eye so will these glasses protect from these lasers?https://www.survivallaserusa.com/Ea...rd_Laser_Safety_Goggles/p1667092_7862033.aspx and is 5 watt or 7 watt laser is too much dangerous?What can be the consequences and will the distance increase i mean the distance from which the laser can damage the eye if it hits the eye directly i just dont wanna end up blinding someone by mistake its gonna be really bad so ill try to stay inside but if its safe from 30 feet or like 40 feet then maybe i can go outside and test the laser out?the 1.5 watt one i have not bought 5 or 7 watt one yet but i really wanna get them and try them out i mean what can they burn what are the extinct of there power i really wanna see it can it burn wet leaves?can it burn the leaves while its raining?1.5 watt probably cant but can 7 watt can?or 5 watt?i think ill go with 5 watt if nothing happens with 1.5 watt or i dont up damaging mine or someone else eyes i hope i wont well i am pretty sure i wont ill be careful with it of course the laser has star caps so if the beam spreads it has higher chance of getting into someone eyes outside is it safe to use star cap outside at night?please reply me about this so i will know how much i should be careful with 1.5 watt laser or 5 watt laser actually Ps: i always had a interest in the lasers because i saw laser guns burning armor or enemies in game killing them those laser beams looked cool i did not even knew these kinda lasers existed till last month lol so will i got quite excited and decided to order one but i thought 5mw was alot at first then i got to know 2 watt or 1 watt is common for blue laser and 5-7 watt is more rare and they are alot more stronger thats how actually i got my interest in lasers from games lol cause i do play alot of games aswell :)
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LPF Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2012
Yes, this laser will burn you, it will instantly blind you, and it will certainly burn your blue shirt!
If you are serious about owning lasers, please read up on their safe use and handling.

Your questions, especially in your last post have me believing that you are simply trolling the forum.


LPF Site Supporter
Oct 14, 2012
d4rkey3, it's nice to see that your using the edit button, but once someone has replied to your post, you can make a new post so as not to confuse future responders.


New member
Aug 2, 2019
well i also wanna ask can it blind someone from 20 feet or do eye damage if it goes in the eye?i read somewhere that most blue lasers cant harm the eye from 20-10 feet and around 3-4 feet if they get into ur eye u can get blind i can be wrong so thought i would ask + is it risky to use it outside?if it goes in someone eye who is far away will his eyes gets damaged or something?from how much distance it can damage retina or blind someone?

Yes, a 1.5w 450nm laser can blind or damage someone's eyesight, permanently. Based on calculations on similar 1.5w 450nm lasers the NOHD (nominal ocular hazard distance - or in simpler terms the distance at which the beam is dangerous to the eye) is ~600 feet. Twice the distance of a football field. The skin burn distance appx 40 feet.

honestly i already ordered the laser so its not really that i should buy it or not at this point its gonna get delivered probably around next week.its just quite fascinating that these lasers can burn everything now after watching few videos i wanna buy 5 watt or 7 watt one but idk if the glasses can save me from that or not if they directly go into my eye as i dont have much experiance...

These lasers are not toys. Use them safely, always wear glasses, don't aim at people, vehicles, aircraft, animals, structures, or out a window - see the link in my signature.

A 1.5w at 450nm is alot to handle, and if your asking for an opinion - NO, do not buy a 5w or 7w laser. Contrary to intuition, the more powerful the laser is - the less you will be able to use it (since you'll need to be in more of a controlled situation).

it can go into my eye so will these glasses protect from these lasers?https://www.survivallaserusa.com/Ea...rd_Laser_Safety_Goggles/p1667092_7862033.aspx and is 5 watt or 7 watt laser is too much dangerous?.

Those glasses will work well for the 1.5w 450nm laser, buy them. Use them.

What can be the consequences and will the distance increase i mean the distance from which the laser can damage the eye if it hits the eye directly i just dont wanna end up blinding someone by mistake its gonna be really bad so ill try to stay inside but if its safe from 30 feet or like 40 feet then maybe i can go outside and test the laser out?the 1.5 watt one i have not bought 5 or 7 watt one yet but i really wanna get them and try them out i mean what can they burn what are the extinct of there power i really wanna see it can it burn wet leaves?can it burn the leaves while its raining?1.5 watt probably cant but can 7 watt can?or 5 watt?i think ill go with 5 watt if nothing happens with 1.5 watt or i dont up damaging mine or someone else eyes i hope i wont well i am pretty sure i wont ill be careful with it of course the laser has star caps so if the beam spreads it has higher chance of getting into someone eyes outside is it safe to use star cap outside at night?please reply me about this so i will know how much i should be careful with 1.5 watt laser or 5 watt laser actually Ps: i always had a interest in the lasers because i saw laser guns burning armor or enemies in game killing them those laser beams looked cool i did not even knew these kinda lasers existed till last month lol so will i got quite excited and decided to order one but i thought 5mw was alot at first then i got to know 2 watt or 1 watt is common for blue laser and 5-7 watt is more rare and they are alot more stronger thats how actually i got my interest in lasers from games lol cause i do play alot of games aswell :)

You should be extra careful. I already answered most of this above. Yes it's dangerous. Don't aim at people, ever. Don't use without glasses. Don't aim the laser into your eyes even with goggles. (Bulletproof vest wearers don't shoot themselves just to test the vest).

Safety is not about ruining 'fun' - it's about preventing harm and damage so you can have fun - please do us all a favor and read up on it.


New member
Aug 7, 2019
Look guys actually i was planning to u know try to light tree or leaves on fire in a crowd of my friend of few people show them how dangerous lasers can be actually u know and experiment too a bit on dry leaves or wet leaves ( I think 5 watt one will be needed for that ) thats why i thought if 1.5 watt does not work ill buy 5 watt from sanuwa lasers they seem nice to me i hope they are i guess lol i saw few posts that they are trustworthy look its 600 feet?it can blind from 600 feet?I cant see anyone coming from that far away..so incase i put it into someone eye should i help him or will he call the cops and i should just get out of the area?Ill do my best to never put it into eyes or anything or on any car or plane but mistakes can happen we are human..and first time is always not the best so ill try my best i really well but just a precaution if i end up doing it should i just run back to my area ( As i may just use laser far away from my home ) or just help the person if i see them?can trees catch fires?I wanna show everyone how dangerous lasers are by burning some tree wood or u know leaves if 1.5 watt cant i guess 5 watt will suffice right bro?Well i will do my best with everything..quite bad i can still get burned i just bought new blue shirt so i wont burn myself up with this laser guess it was useless lol and i actually did order laser... so please dont think i am a troll thats all i can say i guess please be serious thanks..i came here cause someone suggested my on youtube this forum is the best to learn about lasers and also guys whats focus point?What will happen if it touches my skin?will it hurt more then just when its not focusing?And what happens if focus points hit the glasses somehow will they safe me?Thanks for all the help and information i appreciate it..and will these glasses work with https://www.survivallaserusa.com/Ea...rd_Laser_Safety_Goggles/p1667092_7862033.aspx 7 or 5 watt laser incase 1.5 watt wont burn any leave or wet leaves etc i may buy it i mean i am really curious too how a 5 watt laser will look so maybe 3 watt?if 5 is alot..
is this true ?
he directly put the laser beam in his eyes with no protection and his eyes are fine is it true?
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May 14, 2011
Yes, this laser will burn you, it will instantly blind you, and it will certainly burn your blue shirt!
If you are serious about owning lasers, please read up on their safe use and handling.

Your questions, especially in your last post have me believing that you are simply trolling the forum.

Lord have mercy on us here at LPF , Sorry couldn't help my self...

LOL 100% well said.

If you don't want to be considered a troll stop posting meaningless garbage.
You sound like a 10year old and an accident looking for a place to happen.

Please spare everyone the lengthly rambling meaningless layers of nonsense/garbage posts about your imaginings/imaginary world and imagined laser in it..
You clearly have no idea of the real world aspects of what you are talking about are + you don't even have a laser yet.
Give it a break already.

As mentioned earlier if you want to know about laser hazards see this chart: https://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/resources/FAA---visible-laser-hazard-calcs-for-LSF-v02.png
and study this web site: https://www.laserpointersafety.com/

See what permanent damage a 1W 445nm blue laser can do to someone's eye here: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/hit-in-eye-with-1000mw-445nm-blue-laser.69469/


New member
Aug 7, 2019

LOL 100% well said.

If you don't want to be considered a troll stop posting meaningless garbage.
You sound like a 10year old and an accident looking for a place to happen.

Please spare everyone the lengthly rambling meaningless layers of nonsense/garbage posts about your imaginings/imaginary world and imagined laser in it..
You clearly have no idea of the real world aspects of what you are talking about are + you don't even have a laser yet.
Give it a break already.

As mentioned earlier if you want to know about laser hazards see this chart: https://www.lasersafetyfacts.com/resources/FAA---visible-laser-hazard-calcs-for-LSF-v02.png
and study this web site: https://www.laserpointersafety.com/

See what permanent damage a 1W 445nm blue laser can do to someone's eye here: https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/hit-in-eye-with-1000mw-445nm-blue-laser.69469/
ok thanks just 1 last question if our eye lids are closed can the laser still harm us?or it wont?And should my friend stare at laser without glasses if i burn something?and sorry if u all thought i was a troll actually its my first laser i used few lasers when i was a kid even i put it into my friend eyes once gladly that laser was very weak and nothing happened but i know this is strong so well i guess i should just wear laser and use it in closed room?( I would love to use it in night but i guess i cant :( )
Apr 2, 2009
encap said it;'

New guy--you have some editing to do--or --go away.
You have >3 double posts and one triple ...no do ...no do..
go back and edit the second and third posts by adding them together.

While there ARE some exceptions to this 'rule' your posts do not fall into that few exceptions.

I get the feeling you are not understanding me/us.
do this-- go to your (edit)second (& 3rd) posts and (edit) 'copy;
then delete the post----then edit the top post and add the other ones.
One at a time..

I hope by doing this editing you will not double again.

btw did you intro yourself in the welcome section???

see the great intros left by others and do as they did... that shows the forum respect.
Knowing where you are helps us to give you correct answers.
AND use correct terms--its 1.5mW (very weak but not w or mw)
mw afaik is micro Watt-- so probably not visible.
its just like money >.01 (penny) vs .10 (dime) vs 1.0 (Dollar)-- not the same amount. MW is mega Watt-- super powerful.

read Sam's before you ask any more Qs--PLZ

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New member
Aug 7, 2019
encap said it;'

New guy--you have some editing to do--or --go away.
You have >3 double posts and one triple ...no do ...no do..
go back and edit the second and third posts by adding them together.

While there ARE some exceptions to this 'rule' your posts do not fall into that few exceptions.

I get the feeling you are not understanding me/us.
do this-- go to your (edit)second (& 3rd) posts and (edit) 'copy;
then delete the post----then edit the top post and add the other ones.
One at a time..

I hope by doing this editing you will not double again.

btw did you intro yourself in the welcome section???

see the great intros left by others and do as they did... that shows the forum respect.
Knowing where you are helps us to give you correct answers.
AND use correct terms--its 1.5mW (very weak but not w or mw)
mw afaik is micro Watt-- so probably not visible.
its just like money >.01 (penny) vs .10 (dime) vs 1.0 (Dollar)-- not the same amount. MW is mega Watt-- super powerful.

read Sam's before you ask any more Qs--PLZ

actually thats the thing ebay seller said its 5 mw lol in actual its power is 1.5 watt which posts?u mean on the first page?ok ill combine all my posts into one no issue in it :) i did not introduce myself yet but ill do soon..oh so i can get arrested actually lol so its better to use laser around night i guess if i do outside as anyone can see me easily during daylight and i cant really get out of the area without getting spotted
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