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JLSE - Laser not arriving. Uncontactable for past month.

Sep 17, 2011
Hey Guys,

I recently sent back my laser to JLSE 6 months ago after a fault was discovered with it. I bought the laser from him back in November 2011 and it was still under warranty so I had it sent to him on July this year for repairing. There was communication between him and me but it took 6 months for the laser to get serviced as he said my laser was pushed back so that he could finish his other projects.

Finally, it was completed on 12th Nov last month and he said that he would send the package out. However, up till today, THE LASER HAS NOT ARRIVED. I then contacted him through Emails and PMs for the past month but he did not reply to any of my emails. Took the initiative to call up Canada post and gave them the necessary details and they said none of such a package went through their sorting facility. Anyone knows whats up?

Or where is Joe AKA JSLE. Im very concerned with this because I have waited 6 months just to get the diode replaced and now, the package is gone. Anyone is able to contact joe?

oh man, it's happening all over again :D ...

joke aside Joe HAS disappeared before in the past but eventually came out nicely. Not sure why he would delay your laser but I am sure he has a reason. OR he's gone bonkers :D ... Sorry about that. I am a little sick and craziness is getting me too :D
Hey Ped,

He was contactable 12th November via Email. As you can see, his last post on this forum dated all the way back till 23rd oct? So I am pessimistic about getting a response through the forum. Sigh.

Dont really like the idea of lasers getting delayed for SOO LONG especially when I want it before Christmas ):
Hey Ped,

He was contactable 12th November via Email. As you can see, his last post on this forum dated all the way back till 23rd oct? So I am pessimistic about getting a response through the forum. Sigh.

Dont really like the idea of lasers getting delayed for SOO LONG especially when I want it before Christmas ):

Well I don't think there is a good chance of getting it before the 25th :(

I would give it about 1-2 more days and if he still dosen't *magically* appear back then post on this thread and we will see what can be done :)
Last time I tried to help a member contacting JOE I got bashed. Most old long-time members know the further process.. :beer:

Maybe contact him through his YOUTUBE-channel or through a comment on one of his top-hit vids :shhh:
Well I don't think there is a good chance of getting it before the 25th :(

I would give it about 1-2 more days and if he still dosen't *magically* appear back then post on this thread and we will see what can be done :)

Yeah I highly doubt so that it will come anytime soon. Oh wells, guess I am just unlucky huh. Yeah, thank you guys so much for doing things that will help me (: Sometimes I think that what makes this forum so amazing are the people here and the unity and bond that you guys have and the fact that all of you are so helpful.

Last time I tried to help a member contacting JOE I got bashed. Most old long-time members know the further process.. :beer:

Maybe contact him through his YOUTUBE-channel or through a comment on one of his top-hit vids :shhh:

Yeah, tried that. Nothing. Oh wells. Guess we tried PM, Email, Youtube.. Now what??

Hopefully he replies soon:undecided:
Hello Presarian,

I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as you.

A project he was working on for 3 years for me finally was done. I received the laser on dec 6th and the laser had a failure. I sent it back to him with my 3.5 watt to be upgraded. I sent him an email on dec 9th with the tracking # and asked him to email me when he got it. Bit over 2 weeks with no response.

All I can say for JLSE is that he seems to do this.

I know he is very family orientated and it is the holidays, so that's what I am caulking this communication issue up to. I hope...

His communication skills need a severe improvement. I know you and I would feel a lot better with an email from him if he was going away or something.

Anyways I do have one more option on my communication list beyond pm's and emails.
If i do call him I will mention you Presarian.

Hope this goes well for all of us.
JLSE is sounding like another Kiyoukan who repeatedly doesn't get his shit together. I hope he doesn't bail like that scumbag Kiyoukan eventually did.
Hello Presarian,

I'm afraid I'm in the same boat as you.

A project he was working on for 3 years for me finally was done. I received the laser on dec 6th and the laser had a failure. I sent it back to him with my 3.5 watt to be upgraded. I sent him an email on dec 9th with the tracking # and asked him to email me when he got it. Bit over 2 weeks with no response.

All I can say for JLSE is that he seems to do this.

I know he is very family orientated and it is the holidays, so that's what I am caulking this communication issue up to. I hope...

His communication skills need a severe improvement. I know you and I would feel a lot better with an email from him if he was going away or something.

Anyways I do have one more option on my communication list beyond pm's and emails.
If i do call him I will mention you Presarian.

Hope this goes well for all of us.

Hey Xenophone, that would be excellent if you could reach him through phone. The thing is that I live in Singapore (South East Asia) and to contact someone in Canada, it takes a lot of trouble I Guess. Yeah, we all know he puts family above everything but at least dont cut off communication entirely. That's just rude and unethical. As customers of his, we only deserve the right to know where our items are since we paid money for it. And it does not help if the money is supposed to be for my university education. Bleh.
I contacted JLSE today.

Presarian I mentioned you, and hopefully you'll get an e-mail/pm soon if you haven't gotten one already.

Hope it makes for a happier holiday.
Hey Xeno,

THANKS SO MUCH! (: I really appreciate it. Well, now all I have to do is wait for his Email which I hope will come through. How is your situation on your side though?

Yeah, this is affecting my holidays definitely. ):
Well he contacted me ,and told me he got my package.

Those were the main things I wanted so I'm happy at the minute.

I was sweating too , I've never mailed anything so pricey.
Hey Xeno,

He never contacted me at all yet?? Could you help me double check with him?? At the moment, I have received no package from him and he still remains uncontactable.
Hi Presarian,

I just got done e-mailing him again. You were the only topic. Maybe he missed it in my e-mail, that would be impossible this time.

In his last e-mail he said he wouldn't be on for a few days. He was hit by an ice storm on saturday. I guess we live kinda close because I was hit by the same one, he must just be on the other side of the boarder.

Hope you hear from him soon. I got a response in 2ish hours after my last e-mail to him. Have you tried lately?
