Okay if I were in charge of this country (dictator), I would nuke the entire middle east, bad and good, and get rid of all terror. Maybe I wouldn't actually, but I'd nuke ISIS outposts. I'd not send soldiers in. The problem is they don't care if they die, in fact they want to die because it has something to do with their crap-religion. Idgaf who dies over their as long as they're not our soldiers, our allies, or our citizens or government officials. BLOW ISIS UP! Show no mercy. Destroy Mohammad mad religion and set peace to the land. Fly planes over and drop pigs blood on them. I hear that they are afraid of that because they can't go to their crap after life if they touch it. Capture some of they're soldiers. Bathe them in pigs blood. Let them rot with pigs carcasses. Hang them by their feet with syrup painted on them naked with thousands of bees around. Cut their ears off. Burn out their eyes with lasers. But most of all they must be blown up, and everyone must pray for our president, no matter how much you hate him or like him, or what religion you are, or if you believe in no god at all, pray that Obama will have good judgement about what to do with ISIS. We need to not be afraid of ISIS. That is their wish. They want us to live in fear. They threaten to blow up malls. Shop in malls more than ever. Don't show your fear. In fact, don't have any fear. It is what they want. What needs to happen is they need to be Nuked with neutron bombs to just kill the people. ISIS is so bad, they deserve to feel the effects of Polonium 210 in their body for eternity. Don't get me going. I could rant for hours. Anyways, ISIS are just people who need Jesus.
It sounds like if you had been raised in a radically fundamentalist Islamic environment, where you were taught that Islam was under attack, and you had to defend it, YOU would be their perfect recruit.
The posts mentioning their gang mentality I think are spot on. I'll add that gangs are a criminal business, and, so is ISIS.
It would be akin to the criminals or gang members in a large city.
If the LOCAL police department was undermanned/equipped to handle the larger numbers of gang members, and a the feds were to come it...
...the problem becomes one of specificity.
For example, gangs are rampant in Trenton. The gang members live among the rest of the (Innocent) population...as a small percentage, but of a very large number.
The Trenton Police, if they were to say, NUKE TRENTON, would probably get all the gang members...as well as a goodly number of innocent woman and children and non-gang bangers.
As also mentioned, the gangs are NOT in JUST one city....they are in EVERY CITY...and also in the suburbs.
So, do they nuke the entire USA to kill the gang bangers?
If they Nuke even ONE city, its ON....revenge becomes a burning, and now justified, cause.
If you were to wipe out a million innocent people to kill the 100k people you wanted dead, the millions of people aligned with the 1 million you killed now want you dead...and, they are your neighbors.
Think "Helter Skelter"...I think its where ISIS is going. THEY are inflaming their opponents, and, being as brazen as possible to fan those flames.
They WANT an "Attack on Islam". THAT WOULD rally their supporters and gain massive recruitment.
It SHOULD be, IMHO, a massive police-type crack down...with military strikes where they are massed, such as their training camps etc....and house to house raids to grab the individual members if they are in the population. You go after the crack factories, the distribution networks, etc, and shut down their cash flow.
That's SO much easier said than done, BECAUSE, you need the address they are at, that night.
The general populace would need to TELL us where they are....and they'd BE risking THEIR lives to do it.
The Muslim community would need to rise up and take their religion back....and say "THAT'S not ISLAM!"
IF that doesn't happen, we are stuck with strikes on massed forces, and driving them down from their present position of power and open aggression, to the now familiar underground terrorist networks and rabbit holes, etc.
IE: They blend back into the population, where you can't easily cull them from the herd.
If we then do the routine where we bring in the drones/strikes in populated areas, THEY fake collateral damage on every strike, dumping hospital beds of kids at the strike scenes, wailing woman, actors in bloody bandages carrying "Death to America" signs, etc.
They have it down pat.
Driving them underground's PRIMARY benefit, is it robs ISIS of the impression that they are winning...and can do as they please with impunity.
That reduces their recruitment pool and ***iness as a cause. It does NOT solve the problem though. The PROBLEM is, as always in that sand box, religious interpretations that are used to manipulate the populace.
An opiated mass, historically, is very dangerous.
It takes money to buy the "opium" though, and, just as shutting down a gang's cash flow strangles them...shutting down the backers of ISIS, and, the businesses, such as oil production, drug dealing, etc, will cash starve them.
Its easier to stop money than people typically. The recent cases where those who were sending money to terrorist causes, are now being prosecuted AS terrorists (Aiding and abetting, etc) - which means some "respectable businessmen" can now go to JAIL for supporting the terrorists.
If wealthy patrons suddenly have to worry about putting their lives on the line, and can't just smugly write enormous checks from great distances, they might think twice about sending that check IE: Its not just a check, its a potential jail term.
Slash the cash jugular.