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Is there a way?

Jan 10, 2013
Is there an easy way to post pictures using my iPad? The attach file button is greyed out on my iPad. Thanks

Store your pictures in an online place like Photobucket.com
Copy the direct link for the photo
Then in your post click on the little "landscape" icon above

Paste the link to your picture in the popup box
Click OK

Photobucket actually has an "IMG Code link", which you can simply copy paste into your post, excluding the need to post direct link via Insert Image button. It's the last link out of 4 offered, when you click "Get Links".

Not sure about other services though.
Thanks I'll try that. Do you know if you can upload them right from an iPad? This thing is a pain in the butt for uploading anything.
It's difficult to do that with an iPad because it's not really designed to work as a PC in terms of a file system like an Android tablet (not say it's inferior, just how it works). So while you can take pictures and store them in your system, treating them as files for the sake of uploading is a different matter.

It's kind of like the difference between an iPod for storing music under its own system format (at least the old ones), and a portable music player that uses a generic "drive" for its music data (like my old H-140). You can't get the music off the iPod except with special programs, whereas you can just copy files directly from the generic file system.

Maybe see if there is a different browser (some suggested iCab?) or app you can use, or maybe you'll have to jailbreak the pad to do that.
I'll check out Icab. My iPad is already jail broken. The problem is that the upload functions on websites don't recognize the iPad as being a computer and the upload function is always greyed out. Thanks for your help.
i use my ipad at home. it is a length process but not hard. i have my pix in my photo album. When time to add a pic in a post i go to manage attachements and upload my pic. keep all tabs, windows open, youll need later. you can stop here if you are satisfied with a small pic that people click on. Now to embed a large pic direct in you post... .Click the link from lpf that was created for your pic, a new tab with just your pic should now be open. Copy that link and follow the dave's instructions about embedding.

Yep. The App is called SnapBucket. Its directly connected to your photobucket account and makes uploading a snap ;). Let me know how it works for the ipad.
Thanks for all the help. I am using the photobucket app for iPad. I should have looked there first. It works well but has a problem in that if your photo is too large in file size it only says upload failed and doesn't say why. Causing you to try to upload it several times when it just won't work. I got an app called iresize that's perfect and works well for that. So again thanks to everyone.

On a side note sheeeeez apple. Make it easy to upload a stupid photo from this thing.
