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FrozenGate by Avery

Is Rayfoss Legit?

Dec 25, 2009
Looking on this site I feel like lots of people like Rayfoss. I was looking at this laser to buy:


But it seemed (relatively) cheap for its claimed power (I guess I'm a little bit of a skeptic). Do you guys still recommend it?

I have one of the 500mW RPL style lasers from RAYFOSS. It peaks at 610mW's & averages 530mW's to 560mW's. I've purchased several lasers from RAYFOSS, & have never been disappointed with their products or their service. The owner, FAONA, is a very sweet business-woman, who will go to any lengths to satisfy her customers. My most recent purchase is the "TINY LASER" with the 'STAR CAP'. It puts out more than the claimed 30mW's & the 'STAR CAP' puts nice patterns on the walls or ceiling. rob
If you would do a little research and reading on the Forum...
you would easily know that RayFoss is Legit....:whistle:

I second that. I also bought once from them and everything was OK. Read my review of their product on my signature ;)
Nope me neither. I haven't tested their lasers, but I ordered one for my friend and it shipped fine. It didn't get stopped at customs or anything.

For future reference, Rayfoss and O-Like are good, cheap laser companies that have been getting good reviews from us.
Ohhh ohhh ohh. Pick me!! Over here!!!!! Can I be the next one to post in a five year old thread? Can I can I can I please????????
