After contemplating spending the $$$ on a focusable green laser from China, I finally decided to pull the trigger. After about two weeks it arrived in the mail. I used it literally twice and all the sudden the green laser beam completely disappeared while I was using it. I figured the battery needed to be charged but after letting it charge I pressed the button and nothing (although the blue LED light always turns on). After e-mailing Faona multiple times over the past week, I have yet to hear a response. Can anyone on this forum help point me in the right direction or let me know what might most likely is going on with my defective Rayfoss green laser? If there is anyone on here that repairs lasers, I would be happy to pay you to fix if necessary. I don't mean to post a boring thread but if this laser wasn't close to $200.00 and didn't potentially die after the second time I used it I wouldn't bother you all with this post. I appreciate any feedback you have.