I'll see if I can post a picture sometime today if I have some time. But I see the main problem. Take a look at the first post that greg made. The front of the laser is metal. Then there is a short plastic segment that has a threaded portion that screws into the alum. battery barrel. To make the positive connection to the battery section, there is a small brass washer with the positive wire soldered to it. When assembled, the spring makes contact to the neg battery contact and the brass washer contacts the positive battery case.
It seems that the washer on the broken unit is about three times thicker then the unit in Greg's picture, thus limiting the amout of threads for the mating of the parts. So when the unit was damaged in shipping, it just pulled the threaded part out, stripping the last thread in the plastic part.
Other than that, it looks to be a well made unit. If I can get a thinner washer, I think it will go back together just fine.
Now, I am waiting to see if anyone else opens their laser up to see if I can get to the current regulator.
On another note, my two laser diodes arrived today. Again, a big thank you to Greg.