Hey guys - no need to say sorry - that is MY job on this one !! Geesh what a pain in the A$$ this has been ! Here is how I think the 6 incoming should be handled - IF they are in spec, I will randomly draw from all names, and send them out. IF I get in the replacements for the underspec units, and they are indeed up to par, then I will send those out as well.
Now, if nothing else comes in - all of the remaining ones will be offered at a discount (read as, you will get a refund, if you accept a lower powered one), or you will be given a full refund. Now, here's the sticky part

I do pray that each of you will be as patient as possible while I try my best to tie up the loose ends on this completely screwed up deal. I am about fed up with the entire thing myself, so I KNOW you guys have got to be at least a little pissed off. I DO understand. I hope the above sounds fair ? If not, please let me know what YOU think would be fair, okay ? As an FYI - {THIS IS A HOOT} Picrthis has been completely refunded, but the FUNNY thing is, I did not click and ship enough on the label, and it was returned to me as postage due, so I recovered those two lasers ! LOL !! Seems I screwed up that one label, since he was in such a hurry, his was estimated, labeled, and shipped off to make him quiet, and I did not put enough postage on it. I friggin LOVE the USPS right now - it arrived back in my mail today - and I gladly wrote the postal lady a check to cover the screw up, and kept the package

HAhahahahaha ! I hope everyone can see the humor in that ! Anyways, please let me know what you all think is best, please...