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Interest guage - 200mw 660nm red pointers...

  • Thread starter Thread starter SenKat
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Okay folks - I have been successful in reaching a distributor for the "glowtorch" type of red 200mw lasers.....I can get them, shipped to you for right at $130.00 domestically.  IS there enough interest for me to get these shipped here ?  I can order a minimum of ten for this first batch - so let me know if you are interested.  Also - not meaning to sound mean or anything - but do not post your interest level here, and then bail when it comes time, as I wil collect funds prior to ordering them - they are being sent to me via DHL, so we can hope that is kinda fast - I am under the impression that you all could have your lasers in a weeks time, at the maximum.  IF you are 100% certain - send funds via pay-pal to : stonergl@gmail.com and  I will hold the funds until the order occurs - with enough positive reaction, I will order no later than Monday of next week.  This is pretty much a one time offer, if there is not enough interest, it will not take place, and all funds will be refunded.

 1.  Wavelength :660nm
 2.  Output Power : <200mW
 3.  Operation Voltage : 6.0VDC
 4.  Operation Current : <320mA
 5.  Constant on/off push button switch in tailcap
 6.  Without 2pcs (CR123A) batteries

Pictures are available in other threads of this beastie - they are REALLY good burners, and use 2  CR123a batteries, which can be purchased online for about $1.00 each !


Here's a small pic :


If i didn't just order an x 125mw i'd be all over this!
let me know how the order turns out.
i'm contemplating it, its  way cheaper than lg orion. but..

how good is it at burning and at what distance? like a balloon at 6ft or whatever. have you hooked it upto a power meter? does it have to be paypal? is that the price for shipment to europe? an is it focusable?
It is great at burning - I currently do not have one, so cannot answer the distance part. SteveTexas has the same pointer - you can ask him ? I have hooked them up to a power meter in the past, and all of the ones I tested were OVER 200mw. Shipment to Europe would be at the most, $20.00 more.

They are very focusable, and you can adjust the divergence, too ! I suggest if you get one that you mark the location of the focus adjustment prior to messing with it, though !

Paypal is required - I have to do a wire transfer to these folks, and can do it straight from my account. Paypal will refund you anyways if there are any issues with trust.
just pm'd steve. $150 or so is still a bargain, spymodex has them at $245. i dont have paypal though, i use someone elses, just spent another $150 yesterday... on a kaidomain 50mw green an other toys, these sites will bankrupt me. may have to wait a while to use paypal again. so i may miss out on it. trust isn't an issue, paypal is
These things are crazy burners, it can light matches at over 8ft. I took me a little time to get the focus right, but after that, wow! :D IF anyone has any questions about them I can anwser. Other than that I would highly recommend this laser! If I hadn't spent all my laser budget on other colored lasers, then I would be the 1st to buy one. ;D
Curse you SenKat...ha...ha. I am going to go broke between this and the module I just ordered from you. I will be in for one, it is too good of a deal to turn down. After this, no more reds for me. It will be green next.
Moderator said:
These things are crazy burners, it can light matches at over 8ft. I took me a little time to get the focus right, but after that, wow! :D IF anyone has any questions about them I can anwser. Other than that I would highly recommend this laser! If I hadn't spent all my laser budget on other colored lasers, then I would be the 1st to buy one. ;D

i'm just waiting on a bit more info regarding paypal an i'll be in, hopefully pay within the next 24 hours. i'll be getting rechargeable batterys from dx, should i get the 3v or the 3.6? i read that the batteries put out more power than advertised hxxp://ww.dealextreme.com/details.dx/sku.722 or should i get them elsewhere?

does the laser have a warm up period? how do you focus it, plectrum? what other burning experiences do you have? how bright is the beam? does it have a duty cycle? will it get me laid? compared to branded lasers of similar or lesser mw besides price how is it in any way better, say compared to a laserglow orion or a wicked pulsar.

i know it's alot of questions but i really shouldnt be buying this, not for a couple of weeks anyway, seems too good an opportunity to pass up though
Yes, this will get you laid.

LOL !!! Too funny ! ;D ;D

Do not use rechargeables in it - if you do - it WILL die. Regular CR123's - you can get them for $1.00 each, and they last FOREVER !
guaranteed sex, everyone should own one of these :P .

where would i get regular batteries for a dollar from... it's ok, batteryjunction. what would happen if i charged a regular 123A up slightly once it died, still toomany volts?
Oooooo- I have never messed with recharging the non rechargeables....I would advise against that in a big way....could be an explosive end to some nice batteries.
yew.sir-name said:
guaranteed sex, everyone should own one of these :P .

where would i get regular batteries for a dollar from... it's ok, batteryjunction. what would happen if i charged a regular 123A up slightly once it died, still toomany volts?

Big NO NO. You could end up exploding the battery and starting a fire.
yew.sir-name said:
...does the laser have a warm up period? how do you focus it, plectrum? what other burning experiences do you have? how bright is the beam? does it have a duty cycle? will it get me laid? compared to branded lasers of similar or lesser mw besides price how is it in any way better, say compared to a laserglow orion or a wicked pulsar...

The beam is not really that bright, brighter than my 5mw WL core, similar to the 15mw leadlight I used to have. This is the only high power red laser I have had so I really don't how it compares. It has a little thingy on the front that you turn to adust the focus, kinda a pain at first, but once you get it right, the this is crazy. I don't think it has a duty cycle or warm up period. Other than burning matches it would smoke plastic and leather at 15ft and cut tape at that distance aswell, proably even further, but I didn't has a long enogh room in my house to test.

SenKat said:
Do not use rechargeables in it - if you do - it WILL die.

Thanks for telling me that ealier ::), luckily I only use the batts you sent...lol ;) ;D

And...wow..NEVER recharge regular batteries. My friend tried to recharge a set of regular energizers and they all burst, destroying the batts and charger, and leaving a horrid smell in the house that lasted for days! :o :o ;D
Good rule of thumb folks - if it comes with non-rechargeables, that is what it takes ! :-)

Never, ever use rechargeable lithiums in reds that you have not been told it is okay to do so....
By the way, for those of you curious, they DO have glass lenses in them....I am also checking on the warranty period.
