Aah, finally got my BR pointer this morning!

The pointer arrived in a plain bag with a very thin bubblewrap sleeve and included a pair of chinese AAA batteries. It's a sturdy little pointer so it is in perfect condition.
Described as #16966 5mW 405nm violet purple beam laser pointer from an ebay seller called etimeshop, from Kowloon, Hong Kong. the cost was $11.49 US including shipping.
The laser itself is a plain 15 cm standard pen host in all points similar to my 5 mW greenie that I got from eBay about a year ago. Batteries goes head first, with + at the bottom of the tube and - in contact with the spring at the laser end (just like the greenie). Pressing on the button produced a fairly dim purple spot until it hit a piece of white paper... holy smokes! Pretty impressive blast of violet blue photons!!!
Here's the laser pointed at exactly 2 meters, on a piece of paper:
Here's the laser beam just off the piece of paper on a gray wall. You'll notice the odd shape of the dot, which is about 3.5 mm at in lenght and 2mm in width from two meters away.
The beam is very consistent, and does not seem to vary in intensity, even with the cheapo batteries. Can't wait to try this baby with a pair of Energizer Lithium

Next off was evaluating its power with the famed Laserbee2 HLPM.
The result? 34 mW!!

That's more than I expected!
batteries: 2xAAA
weight: 57 g (with batteries)
lenght: 152 mm
width: 13.8 mm
I would be tempted to dismantle it but I think i'll wait till my other units arrive, then i'll report on what's the driver used, which diode, what are the optics used and what type of module... Until then, thanks for reading!

- Robert