Made total sense
I think I should have given a bit of context first. I have also walked the flashaholic road - perhaps not quite as far as you yet though
I started with a bunch of Q5s, then R2s, R5s, was blown away by P7s, and have an XM-L that I like a lot now.
Except for the annual camping trip every summer, I have
absolutely no actual need for a high powered flashlight, let alone multiple, let alone (really) even a Q5
The lumen-hunt is purely for the joy of impressing myself. Maybe also for impressing a family member or two on said annual camping trip
I guess I'm sort of like the annoying goofs that come on here insisting they need a 1.8W 445nm, and for some
"very important reason", a 1.4W is absolutely unacceptable
(although at least I know it!)
I'd love an absurdly powerful, yet shockingly small SST-90, that I can turn on for 20 seconds every couple weeks and say to myself "wow", before putting it away, and deluding myself into thinking that I'm better equipped for the coming apocalypse