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FrozenGate by Avery

I'm a kid.. please help to make a laser device.....

@ ajufsd:

Relatively speaking, yes, but in the cd burners, "burn" is a way to say (slang ?), not meaning real burn ..... here, and for laser environments, "burn" is used in the sense to really burn items, focusing the beam .....

Where you talk about CD writers, the diode used for this is an infrared diode, so practically invisible, and also have few power for make a decent "burning" laser, also focusing the beam.

You have to get a DVD burner, possibly like 18X or similar, in which you can find a diode with enough power for make a decent pointer that can also burn, focusing it properly (dvd uses red diodes) ..... or for the bluray (violet, 405nm), you need to use a blu-ray burner .....

Infrared units, like the CD writers ones, have just not enough power (other than being invisible, so also more dangerous for the eyes)
thx,,, it was useful..so,
1. the easy way is to get a diode from a DVD writer, right??
2. Is that possible to buy a laser diode at an electric shop? wat will it cost?

I'm just proactive in the kid & laser department... hope everybody understands.

I have a child that has been very good in the safty realm of lasers. I liked to pat myself on the back for that , but I won't.
CD readers or writers are infrared. DVD readers or writers are red, however only the ones used in the DVD-RW burners are good to be used for high powered laser pointers ;)

@HIML9: correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought they must be DVD-RW, not only high speed normal DVD writers. I always say "writers" instead "burners" to avoid confusion ;)
okey,, should i assume that my DVD ROM has a glowing visible laser diode?? if there is such a visible diode there, then can i make a small laser torch before I would make a powerful one with a strong diode??
You will need to do some more reading on the Forum...

Go to the Buy/Sell/Trade section of the Forum and see what
is being offered...

There are also many tutorials on the Forum to show you how to
build a laser but you need to read those first..
By reading you will also find which type of diodes you have as has
already been stated above..

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@ Hallucynogenic: both DVD-R and RW have power enough, if is at least a 16X - 18X ..... the speed is indicated for dvd writers on R media (cause also the RW go at less speed)

@ ajufsd: no, you can't probably buy a laser driver in an electric shop (here, at least, not for sure :p) ..... you can get one from an old dvd writer, or just buy a sled or a bare diode online, form one of the sellers here on the forum, as example ..... is the cheapest way, cause also on ebay, you probably pay them more than that what you pay form one of the members of this forum ;)

BTW, dvd readers still have a red visible diode, but they probably are 5 or 10 mW power only.
I'm studying...:angel: Got a doubt.. I understood that the power of the diode is measured by "mW". What power would normal DVD writer's diode have???
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I'm studying...:angel: Got a doubt.. I understood that the power of the diode is measured by "mW". What power would normal DVD writer's diode have???

You understood wrong, nm stands for nano-meter, which actually refers to the wavelength of the laser which dictates the colour. eg, red is 650nm, blue is 473nm.

Power is measured in mW, (milli-watts) and from what I've heard the IR diodes from sleds are normally around 50mW, but they are invisible and not much fun because infra red means our eyes cannot see the dot or beam, which also makes them very dangerous to your eyes.
(Forgive and make me correct if I'm asking wrong doubts)

1. How much powerful diode is required to produce laser to burn a match stick?

2. What power would normal DVD writer's diode have??? in terms of "nm" and "mW"???
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nm (nanometers) is the indication of the wavelenght (that is, basically, the colour of the light emitted) ..... mW (milliWatt) is the power emitted from the laser diode ..... where mA (milliAmpere) is the current that the driver give to the laser diode (btw, never use a laser diode without a driver, if you don't want to burn it)

If you get a diode from a 18X or 20X dvd burner, it's powerful enough ..... usually it vary from brand to brand, but can say that a diode coming from a 18X dvd burner can be used, normally, around 200mW, with a good driver (and for comparison, the pointers that you usually find as keychains are from 1 to max 5 mW ;))

Anyway, always keep in mind that a laser is not a toy, also a 5mW laser can be dangerous, and a 200mW pointer IS dangerous, for mistakes, bad randomly reflections, or also just for looking too close the point where the beam go on clear surfaces ..... the eyes are much more delicates than how most of the peoples think, and YOU HAVE ONLY 2 OF THEM, and (til now, at least) none sell spare parts ..... always use caution when working with lasers, NEVER point them in the eyes of other peoples or animals, if possible (and is strongly suggested) use protective goggles for the wavelenght you're using, especialy for work close to the beam .....

You know, we say this so much times in all the posts that it can be boring to see, but think, better read something boring, that have no more the possibility to read it cause you blinded yourself, right ? ;)
nm (nanometers) is the indication of the wavelenght (that is, basically, the colour of the light emitted) ..... mW (milliWatt) is the power emitted from the laser diode ..... where mA (milliAmpere) is the current that the driver give to the laser diode (btw, never use a laser diode without a driver, if you don't want to burn it)

If you get a diode from a 18X or 20X dvd burner, it's powerful enough ..... usually it vary from brand to brand, but can say that a diode coming from a 18X dvd burner can be used, normally, around 200mW, with a good driver (and for comparison, the pointers that you usually find as keychains are from 1 to max 5 mW ;))

Anyway, always keep in mind that a laser is not a toy, also a 5mW laser can be dangerous, and a 200mW pointer IS dangerous, for mistakes, bad randomly reflections, or also just for looking too close the point where the beam go on clear surfaces ..... the eyes are much more delicates than how most of the peoples think, and YOU HAVE ONLY 2 OF THEM, and (til now, at least) none sell spare parts ..... always use caution when working with lasers, NEVER point them in the eyes of other peoples or animals, if possible (and is strongly suggested) use protective goggles for the wavelenght you're using, especialy for work close to the beam .....

You know, we say this so much times in all the posts that it can be boring to see, but think, better read something boring, that have no more the possibility to read it cause you blinded yourself, right ? ;)
Dear, I'm now blind for the laser!!

Well,, I'm gaining some knowledge now:gj: .... Really thanks dear teachers!!:thanks:

I'm going to ask my computer dealer for getting a diode.. So diode's matter is something okey. But what about the "Driver"?? How could we make that??:confused:
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A driver is a circuit, which restricts the current passing through the laser diode to a certain level. The simplest type is a "linear" driver, meaning it only reduces the voltage down to the right level. A simple linear driver can be made with an LM317 chip, the schematic can be found on the forum. For a red diode from a 16x drive, the current will need to be around 300mA to ensure it lasts a reasonable time, but it is probably simpler if you buy a diode about which more is known, such as the LPC-815 diode for red, or the PHR-803T diode for a violet colour.

One other component you will need to consider is a focusing lens and housing for the diode. Most commonly on this forum we use an "Aixiz" module, which also has a lens included. Search around and you should find plenty of information about these as well.
As a beginner, some words that are very familiar to are making me fear...:scared:

I mean, What do all the brave peoples mean by the terms

1. "Aixiz",

2. "hosts",

3. "housing",

4. "heatsinks", etc...!!!!??
aixiz: a type of diode housing module, that have a part for press fit the diode, a lens with threaded holder for focusing, and a space for the driver

Housing, host, and so on, containers, in general ..... usually referred to the body of the laser pointer

heatsink, is said about the part that hold the diode, or the aixiz module ..... more it's efficent in taking away heat, more the duty cycle (time that the laser diode can stay on without being damaged) is long .....

I know, it looks difficult, but these are common terms in laser hobby ambient ;)
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Read everything that is in this thread.(http://laserpointerforums.com/f51/pro-tips-w-spyderz20x6-building-your-first-diy-laser-40157.html)

You could make this driver from parts that are at your local electronics store.

Here is a reference for power outputs for certain DVD Writer Diodes.

Enjoy your stay here.
FYI: I recomend that you buy a kit from Jayrob.:)
Dear, I'm now blind for the laser!!

Well,, I'm gaining some knowledge now:gj: .... Really thanks dear teachers!!:thanks:

I'm going to ask my computer dealer for getting a diode.. So diode's matter is something okey. But what about the "Driver"?? How could we make that??:confused:

Dude....just buy the diode from here. It will already be in a module.
LPC-815 650nm red laser diode in focusing module - $18.99 : Modwerx Shop
Then all that you will need is a driver, host, and power supply.....(A heat sink is prefered as well)
