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FrozenGate by Avery

If you don't have a heatgun, READ THIS!!!

When I have shrunk tubing in the past with a soldering iron I found it best to hold the iron under the tubing so the heat could rise to do the shrinking.
Comming into contact with the tubing is not a good idea.
I have a heat shrink gun but find it's too cumbersom for these small 1.5mm shrink tubes so I just use a micro torch and hold the flame back far enough to shrink but not burn. practice practice practice ;)

The first time I used heatshink tubing, I tried my wife's hairdryer but it didn't work. I was also worried I'd damage the diode with too much heat. :eek:

Like DTR and FP, I use a micro-torch and just hold it a few inches away, then move in slowly. ;)
