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Iam Back.!

:)From a beginner to a veteran.... welcome back. :)

and BTW, I absolutely love your reviews, I'm almost thinking of using you're pictures to make wallpaper. :)

I'm so sorry for your loss. Glad that you and your grandmother are better now. :)
First off, I am glad to see you return, you were well missed.

Secondly, I have the utmost sympathy for your situation and I feel deeply for what you, your grandmother, and your whole family have gone through. I have had similar but less drastic incidences of this type of situation occur in the past and its one of the things I dread most of anything. My family is very very close and it would just tear us up to lose anyone. I'm getting quite sad even thinking about it...

I really truly hope your grandmother and the rest of your family can find peace with what has happened. I am sure your grandfather would not have wanted to leave everyone in such a state on his behalf. Its my belief that remembering the best times and holding them close is what counts and its also what I would hope my family would do for me.

Again, welcome back bro. I hope the best for you and your family and don't place us on too high of importance right now man, your family comes first so take your time.
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Welcome back Angelos! Real sorry to hear/read that... I hope everybody feels better soon, just remember he's in a better place now. My condolences bud...
Welcome back Lazeerer, with deepest sympathy on the demise of your grandfather.

May the love of those around you help you through the days ahead.

Hey Lazeerer. i have been trying to reach you by PM to get a couple boost drivers. are you still monitoring this channel? if so PM me and let me know what I need to do to get the drivers from you. thanks!
Same issue here. I have tried unsuccessfully a couple times in the last few weeks. He is likely just swamped with messages like usual.
