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FrozenGate by Avery

I want to build my own 445nm blue hand held laser, but what do I need?

Nov 4, 2010
I have no idea where im suppose to post this but here is what im getting at
I want to build my own 445nm blue hand held laser, but what do I need?
I really would like to build my first laser and I'm really interested in building a 1Watt+ 445nm blue laser. Ive been looking and i cant find anything Ive looked quite a bit. So from what i have read the pieces i need are: a 445nm diode, 1+Watt driver board, a battery , laser module, and a housing unit for the entire laser. Did i leave anything out? Where do i get the lenses? I cant seem to find any of these things. If you build lasers yourself and would be willing to help me get started that would be great! :yh:

You will need:

1. To search and read the forum.

Everything you need is here. If you can't find it, you're not looking.
Good luck! ;)
Check out Jayrob's kits. He explains everything you need and sells it all but the diodes!
i recently built one also, i used everything jayrob said and got my diode from pontiacg5 worked really well but i think i did something wrong and burned out a part so be careful (was also my first laser)
I actually have 2 full kits for sale if you are interested you can PM me. I can either make a full laser or send you the kit and you can build it yourself. PM me for details!
You will need:

1. To search and read the forum.

Everything you need is here. If you can't find it, you're not looking.
Good luck! ;)

You're giving this person the best advice RA_pierce. 'Give a man a fish & you've fed him for a day, teach him to fish & you've fed him for life'

....or something like that anyways, I was just thinking the same thing when I read that :)
my STRONG advice is to start off small, like a 405nm PHR-803T or a LOC-815 650nm diode. 1 watt of laser power should NEVER be taken lightly, and is not a good first build because of the safety factor. if you must...

diode- check the b/t/s or group buy sections for the best deals, but you could also get one from hightechdealz.

driver- you have several options. if you can supply the larger voltage, you could use an AMC7135 driver from dx. more preferable, though, would be using dr.lava's boostdrive or flexdrive. flexdrive can be driven harder, but the boostdrive has some advantages too. you can obtain either from Dr.Lava's website.

battery- i cannot possibly list all the battery options- it depends on the host.

laser module- just get it from Kendall at hightechdealz.

host- jayrob makes some GREAT simple heatsinks (a MUST) for skus 3405 and 4171 from dx, but only the 3405 is in stock. search around the b/t/s section for other kits that members sell, such as the tank 007 from flaminpyro. really, theres a TON of options.

lens- you could either use the Aixiz 405/445glass lens or the 405 g-1 lens from jayrob.

safety goggles- (just so you wouldnt forget :D ) heres some really nice ones, but if you're feeling trusty you might be able to get by with being really careful and these o-like ones or the ones from focalprice that i can't find at the moment.... :/

or you could do what I did and order a beautiful host like this from ehgemus.

good luck and be safe! :)
