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I like to jump the gun..

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Re: User tonyt is a scammer

WHO ever it got sold to, give it back please.
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Re: User tonyt is a scammer

What have been your communications with Tony besides the above post? The fact that he's selling some laser pointer doesn't imply that it is "your" laser pointer. Tony said he just got it off a friend who wanted to sell it, and it's not far-fetched that he could could have multiple lasers that he is trying to sell. Not only that, but Tony's LPF ad specifies that the laser is only 1W with no power print-out info, but the one you're trading for is 2.5W with power info.

Plus, you only sent those headphones out a few days ago. It sounds like you're just impatient and are just assuming that the laser sold there is the one you're trading for.

Give it a few days, or even a week, before you jump to conclusions.
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Re: User tonyt is a scammer

Here's proof, it looks exactly the same the one he's selling vs my one. I'll show you wait a minute.
Re: User tonyt is a scammer

Go read my response again.

There's nothing proving that the laser in the photo is the one that is supposedly yours. There are hundreds of those lasers that look exactly the same one as that. This is all just circumstantial evidence.

Anyway, have you contacted him any more between that time for him to ship it or the tracking info?

Anyway, TonyT should also weigh in so we can hear his side.
Re: User tonyt is a scammer

Then are you saying its coincidence, that the moment he receives my laser, on fri 5th July, he posts another blue laser of exactly the same make EDIT: for sale on the same day?
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Re: User tonyt is a scammer

I don't really see an issue here either. Wait a few days, make sure you talk to him. From my experience, tonyt's a great guy. Doesn't mean a good guy can't turn to shady means, but just wait a few more days before things get serious.
Re: User tonyt is a scammer

He could have made/had two of those lasers.

Waiting on a reply from Tony. There are two sides to every tale.
Re: User tonyt is a scammer


Sounds like a case of impatient-ness!!!! As other stated, thats not even close to the specs of the laser you purchased from him. Plus Tonyt is a great guy so id trust him.

BTW have you checked his signature with the lasers he owns:
445nm 2.7W+ C2 By nztdm-2842mW
445nm 2.5W+ C6 By SixTee9-2634mW

445nm 1.4W WL Arctic-1320mW
450nm 1W Laser 1010mW

You probably bought one of the ones in blue and oh look, he has TWO more blue lasers at lower powers. :thinking: seems odd but maybe he sold one of those, AKA the bottom one that is ACTUALLY LISTED AS 450nm LIKE THE FOR SALE AD!!!!!

Calm down and relax, your not being scammed and Tonyt is not a scammer!
Re: User tonyt is a scammer

Aye, and when all this is sorted out, we'll chat to admin about changing your offensive name.
Re: User tonyt is a scammer

What the hell! We had sorted this out last night!!
As you know Colin I am Far from trying to scam you.. It was a simple miscommunication.
I thought you said since you were buying a higher powered 445 off me that you wanted me to test and sell your other one! But going back through my messages I see that it was another person off gumtree that had sent me their lasers to sell instead!
Your lasers are still in my possession and are being sent back to you with the one you bought/swapped and all your power graphs.

Please think before writing such a defaming post!
People here know I am far from a scammer and actually do my best to help people out every chance I get.

Can a mod please either delete or change the title. Thanks.

And an apology from you would be good Colin.
Re: User tonyt is a scammer

You best bet is to PM Avery or Dave there Tony. I doubt they'll delete the thread until this is over but they might change the title for you.
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Re: User tonyt is a scammer

No worries, I will wait for Colin to reply again. Then get them to take it down.
Re: User tonyt is a scammer

I feel sorry for the mess this has become, tonyt. I hope it is sorted out quickly and effectively :beer:
Re: User tonyt is a scammer

Okay, I want to put my two cents and I'm not saying Tony is a scammer but 45 days ago I sent that 445 Lasers in his signature to him for trade for a RC quad copter and He said US customs sent it back to him on 12th of June because he did not declare the battery and he resent it that day airmail and the battery's seamail, it is now the 7th of July and I still haven't received it and I also traded him 638 Stainless Laser for a pair of Bose headphones worth $250 and that has been 35 days and I haven't received it either and he said he hasn't received my 638nm laser either. Again I am not claiming he has a scammer I don't want negative reputation and he said "I'm a man of my word" and said "if you have not received my items I will pay for your lasers". I have talked to a few moderators and well respected sellers on here and they told me give it 35 days and then take action on this matter by discussing it on the boards. I've been patient and A few highly respected people on here have told me that my deals sound fishy in that's weird that I have not received anything yet I have been talking to Tony many times a week and I've saved every email and every pm. This is message is for you Tony I really hope you are a man of your word because I don't like being robbed and I've talked to Australian post also and they said it should not take that long at all. The only reason why I'm saying this on here is because I saw this post about somebody else having a problem and I am getting worried now that I've been taken advantage of.

Thanks, Ron
Re: User tonyt is a scammer

Hey Ron,
I am a man of my word. This was a simple misunderstanding. What is happening with you and I is a completely different matter. As i have said before I am not trying to scam anybody, you both have my full contact details and as you said i communicate with you regularly and have even offered to pay for the laser if it doesn't show up again.
I love this community and do everything I can to help it out.

And secondly on colins items..
I only recieved his package Friday afternoon.
I told him at i would be posting back Monday morning which it is today. At lunch I will be going to the post office and sending his items express with signature.
By tomorrow morning he should have them. As i first told him last week.
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