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I like to jump the gun..

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Re: User tonyt is a scammer

Huh? That's just a joke yeah?

Anyway, Colin, your items have been sent by express post, #60701482875095.
I have also included an extra gift... Like I always do. :-)
I hope this resolves our problem 100%!
pretty sure you still owe my that 5W green handheld laser too.. lol jk
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Why is it that we are expected to believe the rants of
injustice from a guy that only came to register here to
whine about his impatience...

Thanks for that apology. Sort of.

This thread didn't get my attention, another member who saw this thread this morning pm'd me and told me there was a guy flaming me and calling me a scammer.
As i said last night I was hosting a dinner and replied to you the second I turned my phone back on.
Anyway, you should have them in your hands tomorrow.
Also, i am "not a real doctor" as most of my friends say (because I can't write perscribtions:-)
But i do have a doctorate in physics and astro science.

Also, a few of your claims are untrue and don't make sense..
You say you have a friend that was on here and in the laser industry yet you had to get someone else to get you a laser?
Yes i have only been here for just over 4 months, but in that time i have learned alot.. I did not come on here with a problem with a WL, a week or two ago I had a small problem with a WL I had bought.. But what does that have to do with anything?
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Im getting rid of my account, I see no reason for I exist on the forums when I am a defrauder. Please deleted this thread.
Okay people, let me explain. I will not say sorry to Dr Tony, but I am sorry for saying he was a scammer and that I apologize. I posted this thread after talking to a friend late last night (whos been in the laser business since March 2010) who was originally on lpfs. After discussing much about the laser pointer Dr Tony constructed for me, it was deemed less than the value of my IE800s, apparently you can 2W diodes here at lpf for only a hundred bucks, and Tony claims he got it for $500. Of course I had to believe my friend, I've only known Tony through gumtree and emailing. So then my friend got curious about the doctor, decided to do a quick background check and found out he was only in forums 4 months ago, claiming he knows nothing about lasers. Furthermore Tony joined because his WL Arctic was experiencing problems and thought they were rubbish.
At this point, I felt like I was getting ripped off by a guy who claims to be a doctor (online) knows nothing about lasers yet I gave him my $1200 earphones.

Furthermore I stumble on one of his threads, that looks exactly like my laser pointer I sent him and he's selling it. In my self defense, it looks like he was scamming me from all the background check I've done with him. I didn't know how else to get my lasers, but gumtree as they are hard to be imported into AUS. And gumtree is apparently known for scamming especially with fake phones, but I decided to take a bullet.

Anyhow I posted this thread, but Tony wasn't responding to my email when I was questioning the quality of my laser, when he usually replies within minutes. I thought he knew I was onto him, so decided I had no choice, but to seek laserpointforums for help. If I didn't call him a scammer, would it have gotten the attention? No. I had a right to use my own voice to solve a potential fraud (In my pov). After a couple more emails, Tony still didn't reply until late last night, but I had already started the thread.

In the email, Tony has said sorry and mistook me for another person who wished to sell his laser. If I didn't search lpf, I would have lost my laser and I actually would have thought he was a scammer. So in the end it was his fault for posting my laser to sell, and in my self defense I had a right to use lpf to seek the attention and see if he really were a good person. A doctor doesn't mean he or she is a good person, but alas I'm wrong and sorry for saying he was a scammer, but not sorry to Tony, because he did post my laser for sale. A dcotor doesn't just make mistakes, a single mistake can be deadly for eg here. What else could I have done, if I indeed waited I could have lost my laser. Impatient, maybe...... but the faster this thread got attention the quicker it could have solved the issue.

TONY IS A GOOD FELLOW, just that everyone makes mistakes right? Sigh..... I hope this sorts everything and why I did what I done. Thanks everyone and I apologise for the mistake I caused and I hope Tony can do a formal apology here as well.

If you want us to believe that you have a friend that is selling Lasers
since 2010 and was a member of this Forum you had better back
that up with his LPF UserName.

What makes you think that LPF is a Customer Service Help Center
for stuff you purchased elsewhere....:thinking:

LPF is not responsible for items that you purchased elsewhere
without at least asking the LPF community about your intentions
to purchase XYZ first.

No... I don't think Non-LPF Members have the right to whine about
their problems they incurred elsewhere....

Yes... you were a Non-LPF Member when you decided that you....
had a right to use lpf to seek the attention.

We are a Laser related Forum and not your personal Customer
Service Help Center if you bought something elsewhere...


This Thread will stay to show the next Non-LPF Member what not
to do...

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Ignes, it isn't necessary to leave the forum. If you change your name and honestly try to become part of the community I see no reason for you not to fit in. We all make mistakes.
Re: User tonyt is a scammer

Aye, and when all this is sorted out, we'll chat to admin about changing your offensive name.

Ignescunt is not offensive, unless you find the word fire is offensive. In latin it means fire and so is my favorite latin word.
Come on... Even you should know having the word c*nt in your username isn't acceptable.
Come on... Even you should know having the word c*nt in your username isn't acceptable.

I dont care just oblierate me from this world. God d*** it I'm autistic, fine I'll let te whole world know Im autistic. I dont understand people and now I totally feel like an alien!
Mate, you have just said in about 20 emails that you don't want anyone to know you are autistic.. And i said the only way anyone would find out was if you told people.. And now you have just told everyone?
I said to you several times I would make sure everyone here knew you were a good person and you just were a tad premature with your complaint. Now you are basically shooting yourself In the foot?
You keep emailing me contradicting yourself?
Noone wants you to go away.. In fact it's the opposite! People here are nothing but caring friendly people who love sharing about their hobby! Lasers!
So maybe if you post a thread in the welcome section we can start again.

Edit: and lazers, i actually don't find his username offensive. It is a Latin word for fire(sort of translates to fire anyway)
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