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I glue animals to rocks

Or you glue rocks to animals?

Welcome to the forum and nice intro thread. I'm a fishkeeper hobbyist aswell and can't wait to see those vids.

@ hakzaw and Zeebit
I'm on the same page and never like to see plastic decor in a take, real plants and wood is the way to go!

Let me add this important note-- NEVER ever place any seashells into any tank.. fresh/salt or brackish- some that are sold at paet store are safe but the one you pick up on the beach are not and no matter how much you try to make then safe... its not worth the risks.

Rocks and petrified wood are generally safe if you give them a good cleaning. Some rocks may be a bad idea but the common ones afaik are OK.
A good book on these subjects is a must have item especially for salt tanks-First timers do poorly if they do not work their way up starting with fresh water then going brackish with cichlids and ONLY THEn on to saltwater tanks- plural as the serious keepers also have a secong smaller salt tank to keep your new fish in until you are sure they are healthy BEFORE placeing them in your big tank(s)
Some refer to these as 'hospital' tanks as that it where you put any of your fish if they show ANY signs of illnesses ASAP. being a smaller tank you can use less medicines and treat only the fish needing a cure.

Start out with the cheapest salt fish that you can afford to kill ...and forget any salt tank under around 50 gal- Smaller tanks can work but not often so good for the first timers, as in the bigger tanks the water stays closer to what it needs to be. A good kit to check the many things needed for salt tank is something you cannot do without for most aquariists.

Salt tanks are not for everyone and if you must leave for any extended time you may come home to some dead fish.

Its more important the you choose fish that can live tiogether rather than fish you happen to like the looks of. One wrong purchase can turn your other fish into meals for your new fish.

Good luck--hak
Let me add this important note-- NEVER ever place any seashells into any tank.. fresh/salt or brackish- some that are sold at paet store are safe but the one you pick up on the beach are not and no matter how much you try to make then safe... its not worth the risks.

Rocks and petrified wood are generally safe if you give them a good cleaning. Some rocks may be a bad idea but the common ones afaik are OK.
A good book on these subjects is a must have item especially for salt tanks-First timers do poorly if they do not work their way up starting with fresh water then going brackish with cichlids and ONLY THEn on to saltwater tanks- plural as the serious keepers also have a secong smaller salt tank to keep your new fish in until you are sure they are healthy BEFORE placeing them in your big tank(s)
Some refer to these as 'hospital' tanks as that it where you put any of your fish if they show ANY signs of illnesses ASAP. being a smaller tank you can use less medicines and treat only the fish needing a cure.

Start out with the cheapest salt fish that you can afford to kill ...and forget any salt tank under around 50 gal- Smaller tanks can work but not often so good for the first timers, as in the bigger tanks the water stays closer to what it needs to be. A good kit to check the many things needed for salt tank is something you cannot do without for most aquariists.

Salt tanks are not for everyone and if you must leave for any extended time you may come home to some dead fish.

Its more important the you choose fish that can live tiogether rather than fish you happen to like the looks of. One wrong purchase can turn your other fish into meals for your new fish.

Good luck--hak

yep always have a quarantine tank and leave the new fish in it for at MINIMUM 2-4 weeks it may help you avoid something easy to treat like "ick". but really more to avoid something catastrophic like Camilanus worms that can wipe out a aquarium.

another point may sure you know how big your fish are gonna get that tiny chiclid at the pet store coud very well get to be 8-10 inches :tinfoil:
True words... Driftwood and river rock or pretty safe bets since they have been already leeched, gotta make sure they don't have any nasty hitch hikers though.
@Hak - I'm still waiting on an update to post #18... you never mentioned if my guess was right :p

What does
A lady do sitting down
A man does standing up and a dog does on three legs
hint its not what you think--lol
answer later if nobody has it.

This joke is as old as I am.

the answer--Shakes hands.

Women do not normally stand if seated-
men are SUPPOSED to stand (but do not always) and
if your dog as all four legs he must stand on the other three when he shakes hands.

My buddy had a dog that lost a front leg to a coppperhead when he was a pup. He changed his name to 'Tripod' and he could still shake hands but needed to be sitting to do that. Tripod had no clue he was handicapped- lived a long and very happy life(now gone ...RIP lil buddy) and talk about your 'Chick Magnets'- Tripod got his master more ass than a toilet seat.

I also had a friend with a three legged pet pig- his standard reply about how the pig got that way was: "Well he is our pet and we love him so you dont go eating all of him in one big meal"< dat was a joke... comprende'--lol:wave::D;):crackup:
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You know, there are better ways to go about... the entire thread.

Telling people you
1) glue animals to rocks
2) have a use for a near-3W laser
ties these statements into
"I like to burn the ass hairs off my cat from ten feet" pretty easily.

And none of you here has ever shot a little light at their cats or dogs ass?

I find that hard to believe!

I do not own a cat. Or dog. Car ran over last cat.

Dogs stink. If I had a dog I might be tempted...

What about if a neighbors dog is squatting on your lawn?

Would you?
The correct answer is...No.

Though the scene that plays over in my head is curious...I think Wile E Coyote burned his butt on something acme related more than once.
good morning. ok im done making trouble.

nice to see so many fish enthusiast.

Hak. They are calling your name over at the fish forums. That's good sound advice. Anyone interested in getting into fish/corals listen to the MAN.

Its not too hard though. I find that stability is the key. Just keep alkalinity, salinity, temp, Ph, nitrates, calcium, magnesium, and phosphate in check and your're golden. Time to close out this thread with a happy and serene video:

Laser Reef - YouTube
heheheh When I saw your thread title I knew there was a fellow reefer hanging out here. :) Lighten up people, this is what we reefers tell people to freak them out. You ought to see the looks when people see that on a T shirt. :) By the way a 445nm works great for killing aptasia. In fact I see the Duke is among us in this thread. He is who I purchase my first laser from last week. Great guy to deal with by the way.
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WOW!! the colors are awesome-- I like the fish you have chosen. Also the way you have your tank for viewing from all sides- nice!!

so much better than watching TV!!

thanks for sharing your video with us!!

