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Home laser ablation


New member
Mar 2, 2020
I have used my 1W blue laser to burn off a number of little red moles... After they scab over and fall off I'm left with a barely visible scar but otherwise clean skin. Any thoughts?


The united states medical system, ladies and gentlemen. Where people take the stupidest risks to avoid going bankrupt from bills.

Seriously, I can't believe I have to say this, but please don't burn yourself with a laser pointer. Moles are potentially cancerous, and mutilating them isn't in the same category as medically controlled laser ablation administered by a professional. Your antics could literally get you killed.

What's next - "lasik with a 1W blue"? Stop it. This is embarrassing.
Neato. Personally, I prefer to use a soldering iron. I will sometimes use a map gas torch depending on the size of the mole.
Try the arc welder with a 3/32 6011 electrode. That ought to burn it off
Seriously, you need a much.bigger laser for burning off moles and warts. You'll want it to burn off in one zap. Go get the one the doctor uses. Using a one watt pointer is self torture.
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I suppose you think picking up a scalpel makes you a surgeon as well? Don't make me laugh.
They actually them on EBay and other sites. But should you choose to use it on yourself, you are on your own. I was advocating use the right tool for the right job. You wouldn't use a hammer for a screwdriver would you? You could but you might not get the best results
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