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FrozenGate by Avery

Home defense weapon

Sep 13, 2015
Thanks guys that's why i asked. I understand your reasoning & valid arguments make perfect sense. The use of any potentially harmful object as as weapon would be only considered as a last resort. When where we are in a " end of days" Martial law or Zombie apocalypse hopeless scenario. Only for home self defense of multiple raiding attackers only When my life limb or substance was being threatened. I can not get a gun do to a misdemeanor drug charge over 30 years ago. I am considering different means of defense. This was one of them which would probably rate in the hot oil & fire categories of the medieval times, Some what effective but not very popular. At the last resort point of taking such an action to defend one self, legal and ethical do not come in to play, one does what they have to to survive,. Sorry I don't know how to reply to your answers but here
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Thanks for the add. Things are getting a little ruff in the neighbor hood and I am looking to arm myself with a non lethal laser, in addition to the mace and hand stun gun i have.

Can some one recommend a laser that can quickly temporarily blind a close range intruder with maybe a larger beam and then can be adjusted to keep and invader 50 yards away as well?

Is this even feasible?

What grade & power Laser are we talking?

What role does color play is this application?

Because of a tight budget and a good customer service record I 'll probably get a Jet Laser unless urged otherwise.
As I said before i am looking for a non lethal deterrent and not to cause permanent injury if I can help it.

Thanks in advance Guys

Blinding someone with a laser is a war crime.
You do not see the police using dazzlers....actually they do, their called flashlights.
Non lethal = Bright flashlight and pepper spray.
Lethal = Firearm.
Laser = Your ass in court facing felony charges for terroristic acts and in civil court for malicious cruel crippling and lifelong handicapping.

Seriously if you need to defend yourself you can use anything at hand, but if you fill a super soaker with battery acid and keep it by the door to spray into an intruders eyes what do you think a jury will do?
It's pre meditated crippling that can cause lifelong disability.
It's an intentional cruel and unusual act of malicious intent.

Pointing a 99 cent little red 5mw keychain pointer at an aircraft will get you jail time and a huge fine, it's a felony.

Do you understand? A jury will not think like you do, they will think you are a evil malicious bastard no matter what you say, honestly you would be better off to shoot an intruder with a tool designed for self defense.

You want non lethal? Get a tazer, get a pepper ball gun. Fire rubber slugs from a shotgun. get a bean bag cannon. All of those do not leave lasting damage, but a laser can cause lifelong disability.

What temporarily stuns one persons eyes can easily damage someone else's, and what it would take to stop someone would likely end up doing permanent damage, that's why the police are not using them, they have studied it, but abandoned it after testing even in very low level lighting such as TALI, threat assessment laser illumination, even that has been abandoned because flashlights and spotlights are safer and more effective while lasers have been deemed too dangerous even when very unfocused.

So if police with classroom training have decided it's not safe then what makes you an expert, anyone can claim they have chronic headaches from what you did and your wages will be garnished once you get out of jail.

It is a very bad idea and you would regret it.
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Please don't use a laser. Cowboy is right. Plus more negative publicity for our hobby.

Sock full of quarters. On your way to the laundermat
Please don't use a laser. Cowboy is right. Plus more negative publicity for our hobby.

Sock full of quarters. On your way to the laundermat

Charles Bronson, Death Wish, 1974. A great series of movies. I wonder how many here are old enough to have seen them.

you can get flashlight dazzlers, and strobes. the thing about lasers is that the light rays are for the most part parallel when they reach your eye, meaning that the source is a very small point from the observers perspective. this means that a very small point on the retina is being illuminated with a lot of light, and this almost always results in damage.

there's no such thing as a safe laser. aside from that, this is super illegal! SO DONT DO IT, PLEASE!
If you use a laser as a self defense weapon, WEAPON, you will give lasers and anyone who uses them for innocent fun a bad rap, and then no one will have lasers. You should rethink this and get a stun gun or something you won't go to jail for using in self defense for.. like a gun or something
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Use a can on wasp spray. It give you a few feet from attackers and can be aimed at a cracked door. A lot cheaper than a Laser that and a nice Mag-lite are your best non leathal choices. Simple door and window alarms will deter would be burglars. I had an elderly landlord who kept a can on her nightstand for 4$ that's a very effective self defense system

Charles Bronson, Death Wish, 1974. A great series of movies. I wonder how many here are old enough to have seen them.


Yes I saw them and tried some of the ideas. They work..too well.. Got one
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No matter what you use as self defense, lasers can never be used. You will never know when you would blind him permanently instead of temporary. Anyway, lasers above 5mw are illegal in most countries and using a laser strong enough to blind will require more than 5mw and hence is illegal. Using it will therefore get you into a whole lot of trouble. Use a bright flashlight or pepper spray instead.
Use a can on wasp spray. It give you a few feet from attackers and can be aimed at a cracked door. A lot cheaper than a Laser that and a nice Mag-lite are your best non leathal choices. Simple door and window alarms will deter would be burglars.

:eek: Wasp spray! That's nasty stuff, you can buy cans that can spray up to 20ft, I used it a few times years ago. Another good choice would be the more powerful pepper spay that hikers use to protect themselves from bears, it's expensive and probably isn't in stores in parts of the U.S. Because most people don't live in areas with bears. Some large sporting goods stores carry it and here even Walmart sometimes has it in the sporting goods section. There may be some laws against using it on humans I don't know. Something like a Mag-lite puts you at risk of your attacker taking it away from you, although I knew a guy years ago who successfully used a hammer.

Charles Bronson, Death Wish, 1974. A great series of movies. I wonder how many here are old enough to have seen them.


Yes I saw them and tried some of the ideas. They work..too well.. Got one

Yeah the sock full of quarters immediately made me remember, in the first movie that's what he used the very first time.

Wow Redcowboy nicely said!

High power floodlights and flashlights may do the trick at night if you want to stun someone. A standard paintball gun with pepper balls also sounds like a good idea and shouldnt cost too much ~300ish for gun? Paintballs do pack quite a punch at close range and is more than enough to stun and stop an intruder. I believe WL had a TALI system a while back. .

There is no need to edit/delete your original post! Leaving it up gives others a chance to learn. When you delete it, this thread practically becomes useless in the future.
There is no need to edit/delete your original post! Leaving it up gives others a chance to learn. When you delete it, this thread practically becomes useless in the future.

i second that! no shame in asking a question, but there is a problem with deleting it!
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Watch the show Dog the bounty hunter. Since he is a convicted felon he can not carry a firearm, but you can get an idea whats out there, he has just about everything that he can legally.
I don't know if you are on probation or anything that says you can't own any weapon what so ever, but if it's just a 30 year old thing that's stopping you at the background check then you can still buy black powder rifles and air power has been able to take large game for years now.

ShinSung Career Dragon Slayer 50. Air rifles - PyramydAir.com

They are out of 50 cal right now but they also have semi auto in 357 and 45, this repeating 45 hits close to a 45acp 750fps vs. 900fps, I would not want to get hit with it, there's no doubt that it's deadly.

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Thanks for all the great input. I realize this is not a self defense page, but i feel the question was necessary to obtain info to help make an intelligent responsible decision. I am leaning toward a large can of bear mace in my car to fend off potential aggressors/ rioters. For home use as well combined with a powerful mag lite. Still looking for a long range lon-lethal deterrent, any suggestions will be welcomed.
Thanks for all the great input. I realize this is not a self defense page, but i feel the question was necessary to obtain info to help make an intelligent responsible decision. I am leaning toward a large can of bear mace in my car to fend off potential aggressors/ rioters. For home use as well combined with a powerful mag lite. Still looking for a long range lon-lethal deterrent, any suggestions will be welcomed.

Paintball gun with pepper balls, and if it's an end of the world scenario then you won't be going non lethal anymore, if it's not an end of the world scenario then a paintball gun with pepper balls gives you the non lethal distance you want.
However, if you think your home could be invaded, you may want a lethal option at hand, because it could cost you your own life not having it, now think about what would happen if a home invader has a gun pointed at you and you flash him with a laser, you could get shot, or shot at and hit, killed. Don't take a knife or a laser to a gun fight.
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