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I don't in fact believe that it is problem of speed in galvos, they are of 30Kpps (max. 45000) and the graphics preinstalled in the Show Card, they reproduce correctly.

The problem is when I connect DAC Ishow, to the reprocucir Ishow or software of Gary, although it is a simple graph, the galvos they work without too much noise, I have even closed the angle to prove; but the problem is of ignition and out of the modules laser (modulation).
They blink slow and this makes that the light d the graph fluid is not shown. I have gone up the escaneo to the maximum 60000 and I have proven in modulation TTL and analogue, but the problem persists.

Onlooker is that I don't find difference between analogue and TTL, the graphics and colors show up exactly same. Trying to photograph a graph, it is impossible to capture him complete, always lack some line (color), due to the drop modulation speed.
I have attempted with fixed graphics and in movement, even the adjustment pattern ILDA is not represented correctly, the always blinks.

I ask, to know if some partner uses Ishow and he has the same problem with DAC, to be able to go discarding things; if later on I can acquire a better DAC I want to make sure that it will work correctly and that it is not problem of any other device.

Best Regards.


I've read that iShow is pretty terrible, and the symptoms you're describing seem to match the descriptions of it. It may be worth your time to buy something proven like Flashback 3 + Quickshow, especially since you have a decent hardware setup already.

A less expensive option is to use a Soundcard DAC. There's a sticky in this forum that describes how to wire them up. I've made one; however, some people have had driver issues with them.
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I once again agree with the badger. In addition, if your running 64bit windows 7 in the future, you'll run into problems with both the sound card dac (easily solved) and the ishow (not yet solved).

Also if you plan to upgrade to analogue lasers in the future, dont expect them to perform until you get rid of the ishow. Ishow is TTL RGB outputs only. The cheapest supported option for your pasta software is the sound card dac, followed by a riya lite. Both will be lightyears ahead in terms of scanned quality compared to the ishow dac.

I am going about my build back to front compared to most builders. I have a case, scanners, dichro mounts, dichros and a baseplate, but next on the list is quick show, followed by an LPM and a few pairs of saftey goggles (at least 2 per wavelength), a scanfail card, an ilda tester and then finally the lasers. Considering all the lasers in my setup will be well over class IV, it pays to be uber safe :)

I'm getting all the "boring" bits out of the road first, before my projectors "first light" ;)
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Thank you.

It is what supposed; Ishow is too simple.
When I can I buy Moncha or Quick Show. I like Gary's software a lot, so Moncha believes better option.
I have many problems with the language and the correct understanding, for that reason I see difficult to be able to mount Sound appropriately Card.

It has cost me a lot to end up mounting the projector (from 0), I didn't know anything about laser neither their components.
There is a friend that is interested in mounting their projector and I help him in what I can, but the one wants something of quality (analogue) and I don't know how to advise him.
He says that to modulate many colors.
For a green 532nM of 200-300mW, what does it develop I need with red 635nM 0 650nM (better divergence) and blue 445nM?
Do they have to be all analogues, or alone the green?
Can all cost the three modules approximately?

Best Regards.

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In an analogue projector all the lasers must be analogue to produce the thousands of colours. Its the variable power of the lasers (as opposed to simply on/off) that produce the shades.

The ratio of power is as follows (rough guide)

532:635:445 - 1:1:1 (i.e. all 300 mw modules)

532:650:445 - 1:2.5:1 (300mw 532 and 445, ~1w 650/660).

Thank you.
I inform him and we will look for purchase options.

635nM analogue, as much divergence as 635nM economic TTL?
I ask because my 635nM have a very thick beam and when it projects yellow color, it leaves red for the external sides.

That necessary (circuit or connection card) among you modulate analogues and DAC?

Thank you.

Most 635's have fat beams. The only way to correct this is with correction optics (cylindar lenses). This keeps the beam at aperture small enough to prevent it spilling off your mirrors at the expense of divergance. Correctly done however, a beam of ~4mm can be obtained with a divergance of <1.5mrad.
When using cylindar lens, does he get lost power?
Or you can continue using the similarity 1:1 with green 532nM?

Excuse so many questions, I don't want to bother you; but I need to know to be able to advise to my friend.
I don't want him to spend the money in something that doesn't serve (as me).

Best Regards.
There are several options for 637 red. Since your going low power (<500mw) you can:

use a mitsubishi diode with correction optics. The diode you can set to 300mw after optics. The correction optics if I recall are not very lossy. Its when you get to powers over 500mw, that you start needing waveplates, pbs cubes and more diodes (and with those optics, a bit more power loss).

The cost of this will run you about $400.
1x mitsubishi diode from DTR with the G2 lens ($160) (p73)
1x mount
1x pair correction optics
1x mini base plate, to assemble on and raise to other lasers height.

For the other option you can get a red laserwave 637. The 600mw version is about $1000, so I'd expect the 300mw model to be around half this price. For the extra $100 you pay in getting a prebuilt module, you dont need to stuff around aligning optics, adjusting collimators etc. You just bolt in the laser and go. (you may still need a platform to raise the laser though)
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vk2fro's laser pricing brings up a good point about the cost of the lasers: you should consider whether it is worth building them yourself.

For example, for about $1000, you can have an RGB (638nm, 532nm, 445nm) 1000mW/500mW/1000mW analog laser setup from Lasever. That example above isn't a great color mix, but a good ballpark figure for price; you can see if they can provide something more suitable. I would definitely go with Lasever rather than building your own 638nm laser from parts for $400, as the price from Lasever is comparable, it's 1000mW, nicely mounted and heatsinked/fan-cooled, and comes with the analog control/power supply. Their green lasers are also good quality and affordable. I also find that the green can be lower in power than the other colors for "white" but having extra green power (equal to the other channels) lets you program in some popping-bright green effects when you need them.

The lasers vk2fro lists from Laserwave are probably more expensive because they have much better optics (maybe better diodes too) than the home-built or Lasever lasers. For example, Lasever's beam is about 4x2mm, with 2.5x1mrad divergence, and probably uses knife-edging for combining beam--decent, but not a great "dot." At larger distances the shape of the beam from 638nm lasers using the Mitsubishi diodes (home-made and Lasever type) will create a red "halo" around the more dot-like 532nm and 445nm lasers.

Finally, for the cylindrical lenses, I've been able to correct the beams from the Mitsubishi diodes using cylindrical lenses with relatively little loss. However, this assumes that you can acquire the same optics I did from Merideth Instruments (site, ebay link). It may be more costly to have them shipped to you, and also those lenses take up a lot of space because of the long focal lengths. If you want to buy other corrective optics, expect to pay a lot more ($150-$300). You should weigh whether it is worth the extra time, money, and space to build it yourself.
I think you read wrong BB. You are NOT going to get those 3 modules for $1000, you may get 1W green and 1W 445 with that money, but toss in another $1000 for the 1W 637.

This is why all the projector pro's are trying to tame the G71/P73 diodes - they are way cheaper than buying the comparable laser module from china, provided you want less than half a watt. Over that your looking at a second diode, PBS cube, 1/2 wave plate etc. The two diodes for this setup costs $320 alone (with the G2 lens). You'd be looking at around $700 by the time you have built a 1 watter using them.

edit: Lasever just quoted me far south of $1000 for a 1W 635nm module, with a 4x2mm beam at 2.5x1mrad divergance. Ordinary, but will do for my beams - which is all I'm interested in doing. Graphics shows arent really my thing (other wise I'd build a half watt projector instead of the 3-4w monster I'm working on). Oh, and gonna shop with lasever. Their prices are pretty good :)
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Heh, I see you contacted Lasever about those 638nm lasers. ;) It would cost more than a DIY build if you really worked it over, but not that much. What I quoted above is possible with the prices I was quoted (note that I specified 500mW for the green, not 1000mW which is more).

That Laserwave company costs a bit more for their reds, but I think they have better optics and diodes? I've never shopped with them.

Looking forward to seeing your monster power-laser when you finish it!
You can email them for prices. Most of these chinese companies do not print price lists, and rather get you to contact them for a price.

Yes BB I did contact lasever (Van), Laser-wave (Bridge) and Goldenstar Lasers (Winni + Mimi) for parts. Now I have ball park figures, I know that I can make a STUPIDLY powerful projector for new years, and buy a couple of green 1W sats as side units to use with ********* (which I'll buy after pango), and the frame streamer, and just flip the y axis on one. :)

Like I said before - you can have oodles more power than you need and just dial it back for small places in the software, but you cant make a 1.5 watt projector a 4 watt one when you need it :)

edit: oops I typed the name of the pasta software - bad me!
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Nice! A 4W projector is definitely some good shit.

juanma666: Email Lasever directly (sales at lasever dot com) and tell them that you're interested in buying some lasers. They'll go through your needs and such to help you out.
Thanks to both.

I see that they have several models... I suppose that the most economic are of the type; ; LSR532ML 50~300mW green lasers, I comment to my friend and if he finds it well, I send them a mail to know the price.

Best Regards.
