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I would also contact (goldenstarwinni at hotmail dot com). She sells CNI modules. Not to rain on lasevers parade (I'm giving them a go for my red and blue), but lasever have had issues in the past with some models.

a 1W green from winni will set you back $535. A 300mw is $250. Thats from the most recent pricelist I recieved from Winni.

Yup, Lasever had to replace my 500mW green because of mode issues (not power). However, to their credit it was replaced at no charge to me (including shipping), and quickly. The prices of both seem comparable.

Overall it beats having to deal with a company like CNI directly, such as what Scopeguy had to do in the group buys. CNI doesn't seem to recognize that there is a decent market for their lasers at the enthusiast level.

Juanma: also inquire about the dichro mounts Lasever/Winni has to offer. Not everybody can make their own like you did, and they're relatively inexpensive (at least the knife-edge types at Lasever).
