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FrozenGate by Avery

Hello, I'm new

Mar 10, 2018
Just wanting to say I'm new to this forum, and just recently started to get interested in lasers. I was told this is a good place to start learning, and I hope to eventually get past being a novice. If anyone would like to explain this forum, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!

Hi new, I am hoo7h!
Sorry I couldn't resist :san: Welcome to the forum!
We build and discuss lasers as a hobby. You will find a wealth of information on this site about all kind of electronics and not just lasers. Utilize the search function and don't be afraid to ask questions. Also make sure to read and understand the safety information. Get a decent pair of safety goggles.
Be safe and enjoy your stay :)
Welcome to LPF, Admodeus! There are many nice and knowledgeable people here who are happy to help and listen to your questions. You can find a wealth of information in our database by using the Search button at the top of the front page. Please share your geographic location so that people will have a better idea how to provide accurate information. Have fun but please always remember to be laser safe. Take Care. :D

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Welcome to the LPF. Read the stickies first. Much information is in them. People will help, but most don't like to spoon feed new members who won't read. Then, use the search bar to find answers to questions you have before asking them. I hope you are able to learn as much as you would like. :D
Welcome aboard, it's not mandatory, but nice to have your profile indicate what part of the globe you fare from.
Welcome to LPF!

Enjoy your stay here and be safe. Do not skip beginning in a new hobby. It is time you explore and discover amazing world of lasers. No need to hurry. Take your time, start little, grow step by step and again be safe.
