wellll I don't like to BRAG...
oK ok OK
I did not kill these at the same time..
first ones--did not believe in ESD or the silly wrist band
THEN I had to solder slower-(seems these are picky picky picky about HEAT)
THEN they go and change the pins on me...why?? they look the same..:tired:
THEN i needed to make my iron ESD safe-- WTW!!??
OK I did kill some before I understood what heat sinks do --my bad-
did not want TO WAIT!!:cryyy:
Driver Smiver- straight to my 9 vdc-- bad move-- bunch of times until I quit blaming the diodes... :tinfoil:
what- different drivers for different lasers? and wots all this about linnerial- bucky and bumpy stuff c'mon I need BURNIN' lazer NOW..
and just why do they sell them and THEN say you have to duty/rest/duty/rest cycle??
oh yeah forgot about leaving in clothes then the washer--
dropping on many occasions
if you leave them laying around people will take them too..
and its like they WANT me to FAIL-- Polarity!!!! :na:
- yeah you know--
they should make up their minds.. RIGHT??