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Has anyone heard of this Company or seen these old pointers?

Hey, That's good news!! Do you still have my email? dcolosio@yahoo.com :) I have your package all ready boxed up! Looking forward to hearin from ya! :)
Yeppers! I'll take pix for you tonight. Package includes batteries and charger, goggles, and of course the laser itself. I tried it briefly and it's a beast. Avoid pointing it at anything flammable when you get it :cool:
Ooo La La!!!! 🤗 I cant wait to "safely" play with that thing!!!! Lol Proomise not to be stupid. 🤪 If ya email me your Info I'll get your package on the way as well.. we can exchange addresses on the email? Doug
Sounds like a plan. I don't work Fridays so I'll send you my addy and get your package in the mail tomorrow. I'll probably need to ship the batteries separately. Everything else though can go in one well padded box.
Im hoping you got my email? I will send it as soon as I have your address as well.. :) Not even sure what state you live in? LOL I had to buy a couple cheap hand helds off Amazon to keep from getting too impatient. Weird how these things are exciting in a bizarre way. I think it has to be growing up watching Star Trek ... Actually the Old one reminds me of the old hand Phasers in a way... (the Design).. I heard that Bob Lazar made someone a functioning ray gun (with a diode installed) once with sound effects and stuff.. What a trip. Wonder what the ET's have by now... lol It is wild when you think about it.. I can't figure out why these things are so fascinating to me.. hahaha
I've never seen that specific model but I do remember HeNe pointers back in the early 90s. They are not very powerful by modern standards, typically around 0.5mW but when properly working the output should be steady and not flicker. Even the cheapest most basic gas laser tubes will have beam quality far exceeding the best direct diodes. Should be a perfect round dot with very little artifacts around it.

I would definitely not gut a cool collectible like that, I don't see what you'd gain over just building a modern pointer from scratch.
Im hoping you got my email? I will send it as soon as I have your address as well.. :) Not even sure what state you live in? LOL I had to buy a couple cheap hand helds off Amazon to keep from getting too impatient. Weird how these things are exciting in a bizarre way. I think it has to be growing up watching Star Trek ... Actually the Old one reminds me of the old hand Phasers in a way... (the Design).. I heard that Bob Lazar made someone a functioning ray gun (with a diode installed) once with sound effects and stuff.. What a trip. Wonder what the ET's have by now... lol It is wild when you think about it.. I can't figure out why these things are so fascinating to me.. hahaha
Hi Doug! Your package is on the way. Fedex tracking #783193115490 Should be there Saturday. I'll send you my address via e-mail.

When you get yer new toy, unscrew the tailcap, pop the bottom battery out and flip it around, and put the tailcap back on. The thing has a soft-start so when you hit the button you'll wait for about a second before you get beamage. Make sure it's pointed at something non-flammable and inanimate. Seriously. I played with it just enough to know this thing wants to start fires and will peel dots of paint off your wall in a heartbeat even at infinity focus.

I promise to take very good care of your antique when I get it!

Updated with new tracking #. Check your SENT emails Doug, you sent me the wrong zip code. I realized the mixup just in time. The nice Fedex lady was just putting it in the bin headed out to the truck.
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Thank you dcolosio! I hope you are enjoying your new toy. I'm pleased with the trade as well :-) As far as I can tell the only thing wrong with the old hene pointer is the fossilized nicads. Hooked up to my bench supply the beam is stable when the thing is eating 12v @ about 2.5 amps. The 100mA wall wart it came with was for charging the batteries but it's nowhere adequate to actually run the laser.

Getting it apart non-destructively is going to be challenging. The case is vac-u-formed vinyl and I think it's filled with foam. I'll post pics when I get it apart.
Beautiful, piece! That was a good find, Wizard. Can't wait to see the careful disassembly.
