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Has anyone heard of this Company or seen these old pointers?


New member
Jul 20, 2023
My brother found this old I think (He-Ne) laser at an estate sale here in Northern California last weekend. It has a membrane switch and has a rather weak red flickering dot compared to the super hand helds they are making these days. In any case, I thought it was super cool looking and reminds me of an old Star Trek series hand laser of some sort. In any case, hope everyone is well, I am super new here but love all things laser as well..
I'll try to figure out how to post some photos... :) Thanks everyone for any info you can give me on this baby!



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Nice little collector's item! A real peice of laser pointer history.
Thank you! I was fantasizing with the idea of having the guts replaced with a 1.6 watt rechargeable modern laser , but I'm not sure if that would be sacrilegious... LOL :)Do you know if it would be a He Ne laser? Were they pretty weak compared to the newer ones?
Thanks for the reply!! :)
I'd reccomend not touching the internals except perhaps to do restoration work. Also, don't touch the internals as I believe that is a hene, with all the high voltage that entails.

As a collector, I'd trade you two 1.6 watt units. (That's if and only if you demonstrate some level of laser safety knowledge. Don't wanna hand a grenade to a toddler if you know what I mean.) Very few of those hene pointers were sold and finding a working example is rare.
I would be really happy to see this end up in the hands of a serious collector! I do know the basic safety fundamentals of laser pointers like not to aim them at airplanes or burn holes in the carpet.. etc. I am 58 year old, I am past the breaking the law accidently stage of my life by now. Would those pointers come with batteries too? :) my email is dcolosio@yahoo.com
I'd reccomend not touching the internals except perhaps to do restoration work. Also, don't touch the internals as I believe that is a hene, with all the high voltage that entails.

As a collector, I'd trade you two 1.6 watt units. (That's if and only if you demonstrate some level of laser safety knowledge. Don't wanna hand a grenade to a toddler if you know what I mean.) Very few of those hene pointers were sold and finding a working example is rare.
Also, I should tell you that inside of the case the foam is pretty deteriorated. The AC adapter may or may not be the original but I did get it to come on with the one that is with it.. etc. Other than that, just normal age issues with an electronic device from the 1980s (I think 80s).. Membrane switch works normally..
I would be really happy to see this end up in the hands of a serious collector! I do know the basic safety fundamentals of laser pointers like not to aim them at airplanes or burn holes in the carpet.. etc. I am 58 year old, I am past the breaking the law accidently stage of my life by now. Would those pointers come with batteries too? :) my email is dcolosio@yahoo.com
Batteries would ship separately due to the regulations about shipping li-ion cells, but sure I'd include them.

And 1 watt class lasers have a few more 'gotchas' to worry about. Instant (and I mean LITERALLY before you can blink) blindness, starting fires accidentally. Those kind of things.

Let's negotiate. Maybe a 3.5 watt blue and a really top quality pair of laser safety goggles? I'll ping you :)

P.S. I turned 58 myself in June :cool:
Sounds perfect man... :) That's what I was wanting as well.. Woot Woot! Email me at dcolosio@yahoo.com I'll send ya my number and addy and stuff.. 58 is a good age! Can't complain .. Old enough to know better but still too young to care.... lol

Doug Colosio
This is decent quality, but it may take a while. Can I see a picture of the magic red dot before I order?

I was gonna suggest that.. Now I have never even heard of these types of lasers before so I don't know if its normal to hear a very fast quiet fluttering sound inside the laser while it is active? It also flashes at a very fast rate (the actual laser beam). I am assuming this is part of the old technology? It isn't gonna do any burning.. lol Like you said though it is awfully cool that it still operates at it's age at all.. hahah

Hey hey, the big old saber looks rather exciting to this ol hippie dude here! :)


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That's likely the sound of the ignitor constantly restriking the tube. After sitting this long pressure in the tube is probably a bit off. Running the tube on an external power supply to warm it up properly might help. I'm willing to try that.

Tomorrow's payday. I'll e-mail you when I place the order for the Sanwu. :cool:
That's likely the sound of the ignitor constantly restriking the tube. After sitting this long pressure in the tube is probably a bit off. Running the tube on an external power supply to warm it up properly might help. I'm willing to try that.

Tomorrow's payday. I'll e-mail you when I place the order for the Sanwu. :cool:
Sounds great man! Oh I'm Doug... Interesting, I hope to hear more about it later! Sounds like you know what the hell your doing.!
Have a great night.. :)
I believe the manufacturer was Laser Photonics, a well established maker of industrial lasers. I have both nitrogen and CO2 lasers from them, as well as a few of "The Point" pointers like yours. Look at the vintage lasers thread here for pics.

My Vintage Laser Archive that used to be a Google Site is no longer available. It was archived in The Wayback Machine, and is now temporarily linked under "Archive" here: https://laserhistorymuseum.com/
Thank you for your reply. I appreciate it.. I will look up the company and read about them.. This history is fascinating (the advent of consumer laser products) So neat. Although I have already made a deal for it with a fellow forum member for a more modern unit, I remain fascinated with the history of laser pointer development .. It is funny and bizarre how things seem to progress.. I found a rather cool Darth Sidious Lightsaber hilt at the flea mart I found this little guy at , and couldn't help fantisizing about what a lightsaber hilt with a powerful laser in it would be like to have around.. Then I realized I'm just a Sci Fi nerd who has a huge fascination with science and photon manipulation. hahaha Anyways, thanks for the reply my friend. I'm a newbie here, Excellent Forum!!
Take care and again thanks for all the cool information... :)

Wow, easily making holograms at home? I wanna learn!!!! :) (I noticed the word "easily") LOL
Well well, I got a package I think you'll be interested in. I'll send pix when I get home. :-)
