Awesome Lasers under new management has moved out of Jersey City. We have a 1 - 1/2 hour commute from JC to our new location. Our offices & small warehouse space has moved, but we still live in JC - when we finally settle into our new location, we have great projects on the horizon. We have over 35 years of combined expeience, and are looking to make a positive impact on the marketplace. We seek to have FUN and be safe. We oppose any legislation that restricts our freedom to own and responsibly use this fast-growing technology.
We wish everyone well, and when you get to know us (call us anytime 718 673 3075 - this is a VOIP MagicJack number that we had when we were in Woodside Queens, NY four years ago, so don't be confused). We answer the phone or return your call. Anything we can help you with, please don't hesitate to call or email us. If we don't have the answer, we will try to get it for you.
This is a very rewarding hobby, and we've met some very interesting people and made a few close friends in the 3 short years that we've been actively promoting these products.
A few things got "lost" in the move and we have now corrected those issues. We are thankful for those who have contributed constructively to the knowledge base here, and we humbly seek to learn and to teach.
With a better understanding of what this hobby is, and how individuals experimenting on their own with new ideas unfettered by mainstream education's "blinders", we have seen some INCREDIBLE and (pardon the pun) AWESOME LASER builds posted in this forum. Shortly, we will be in a position to offer "contract work" to some of those BRILLIANT people who have done some very remarkable things in their "spare time".
In the meantime, have fun and be safe. :drool:
All of us at Awesome Lasers, Inc.