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FrozenGate by Avery

Guess who's back... back again?

Apr 1, 2015
It's me, I have been away for a long time now. I stopped playing sports, and stopped going out at night taking photos for a while (Though I managed a few)

Work was madness and my life was too busy to remain organised. Plus I don't own a computer currently... though I now have access to one for the foreseeable future. Photobucket is a royal pain in my a** and I must say there is a way around it holding you to ransom... If anyone else is getting slapped by their P500 scheme the fix is easy. Go to extensions in your chrome browser, or add ons in firefox... search for photobucket fix. You enable the add on and hey presto. Your images will embed again on 3rd party sites. Hope this saves someone some hassle.

I had spare time today, so I read a few of your posts and thought I would say hello. I've included a selection of pictures so you can see what I have been up to.

Springtime is on it's way.

The night sky on the Somerset levels look great.

Milky way on the levels again.

Early morning before work looking towards Glastonbury.

Sanwu 650nm pocket model. Thanks to Podo for this great pointer!

Hopefully I can be more active. I bought my first house, and it's taking shape. I have some access to a computer for the time being. It'll be nice to be a bit more involved :yh:


Welcome back, long time away! Photobucket!!! Arses.
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Yes, Photobucket has deleted everyones ability to share their photos with other sites, it's what they call 3rd party hosting.
They have a new plan that allows 3rd party hosting, but they're holding their members hostage, since they want $399 a year to continue using them.
Most everyone here has moved to other sites such as Imgur.
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Hey mate, welcome back!! Nice to see you again! :beer:
I've been waiting your contributions to Enchanted Beams Thread ;)
Yep, bunch of turkeys. Owell. I circumvented it for now. I cannot wait to get back out there with my camera at some point. Especially once the sun is out!

Today is going to be spent prepping my house for a rewire. Once I've moved in full time, I'll have the ability to let loose with lasers and mirrors all round the place. It'll be great fun. I am currently between homes, so am looking forward to warmer weather, and a chance to get out with the DSLR.
Hey there Arctic! You know what... I have been working somewhere interesting the last year or so. I might be able to do a beamshot there, which is what I am waiting on. It would make a fantastic image. No hints, but it involves a large reflective surface contained within a stable environment with the temperature regulated to 30 Deg C ;)
Hey there Arctic! You know what... I have been working somewhere interesting the last year or so. I might be able to do a beamshot there, which is what I am waiting on. It would make a fantastic image. No hints, but it involves a large reflective surface contained within a stable environment with the temperature regulated to 30 Deg C ;)


You are teasing me!! :crackup:
I guess if I want to see your photos I'll have to go into Chrome and look for the bucket fix. At present, I can't see any of them. :(
haha! this extension is great because i have a habit of looking through ancient posts in random forums and photobucket has hit literally every single forum ive looked through. awesome pictures and welcome back!
I remember buying my first house. It was in 1977, but it was new and we were the first to live there. I ended up having to put my lawn in as the contractor hadn't done that and once he got his money, he could not be found. I was pissed too. I had told the closing agent to keep $2000 from him until the lawn was put in. Congratulations on your new house.
Thank you everyone... I moved over to Imgur and added a few pics. So they should display to everyone now perfectly :) :beer:

Awesome, man. Thank you for sharing. :drool:

My card: 532 nm
