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FrozenGate by Avery

Guess our new products! - Sanwu Lasers

:) Oh that great news, what is the price? If you don't have an exact figure, can you throw out a ball park figure, so to speak?
Price and beam quality are a couple of things I am the most interested in knowing about.
The price is not really settled yet but let's say it's within $500 - $700 range and there will be another offer for group buy(if there is one).
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I was hoping for less than that. Unless it's close to (or below) $500 I'm definitely out. Hopefully the GB price will be more accessible.
500-700 you say. How about we split the difference with you at 599.99. That would put it at about 635.00 with expedited shipping, I’d have to add some Top-Ramen with my Mac&Cheese but I could pound it down for a spell. So if you would, put my name on one. Especially if your going to be offering a group buy. Put my name on that there list. :)
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I suspect the upper end of that range is most likely. I still have reservations about beam bleeding from the three lasers used to produce the white line. If it isn't at least as good as most RGB lasers, it won't be worth having at any price.
At $700 it has to be considerably better. You can get that optlasers module for around 400 and the RGB diodes are coming.
Yep, you sure can. That's my point. Most here consider the OptLaser module to be one of the very best, and it is small enough to get into a HH as ArcticDude has done.
For some people having a pretty to look at pointer may be worth 700.00, for me I like lasers that can do useful work.

If there's a data projector with a single blue 50W LD that I can shape and focus into any kind of useful burning beam, then I will spend 700.00 on that projector or just the diode, but that's because I will use it and enjoy it 700.00 worth, but a pretty pointer I have many of and I do enjoy them but not as often or for as long.

For 700.00 I could get a pretty good RGB light show and enjoy it longer, but a pointer is just not worth that kind of money to me, someone else yes, but probably not the majority of laser buyers/enthusiasts, I expect most will wait until the price comes down, but some will buy it provided the blended beam quality is fantastic, that means all 3 laser diodes need to have the same beam diameter and same divergence. If not word will spread fast.
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Ok, it has been a while, Podo.
Please show your cards - When should we get ready the cash? I would go with group buy to get it cheaper...
I need some new laser. ;)
