For some people having a pretty to look at pointer may be worth 700.00, for me I like lasers that can do useful work.
If there's a data projector with a single blue 50W LD that I can shape and focus into any kind of useful burning beam, then I will spend 700.00 on that projector or just the diode, but that's because I will use it and enjoy it 700.00 worth, but a pretty pointer I have many of and I do enjoy them but not as often or for as long.
For 700.00 I could get a pretty good RGB light show and enjoy it longer, but a pointer is just not worth that kind of money to me, someone else yes, but probably not the majority of laser buyers/enthusiasts, I expect most will wait until the price comes down, but some will buy it provided the blended beam quality is fantastic, that means all 3 laser diodes need to have the same beam diameter and same divergence. If not word will spread fast.