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Group Buy: Laser projectors from $128; awesome price-power ratio (Ending ~Jan 20)

I've been using glycerin with great results. I think it was about $3 . AT&T a teaspoon will put it too thick in the room.

Got it at ac Moore around the cake decorations.

I'm not sure what the thread is titled . But you just put a few drops in a pot and heat it up.
I've heard of guys using those candle oil burners. Anything to heat it, but not too much.
Personally I use a hot plate crank it up and pour out about a teaspoon lmao. Overkill to the max!!! Bt I hear the best way is to heat the pot up, bring it to where you want to smoke up, and put a few drops in. Really easy, and man does it work well.

Here it is

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yea and every time you order something from china and they bitch about how it "may take long to cross such distance"-- yea show them this and say this isnt the age of Columbus it doesnt take 3 months to deliver from there anymore !! lol
Got my tracking today. They said it could change, but the first one is here at least. From the looks of things it won't be long now!
And I just got pmed about 20 pictures of my dual dominator on the lathe being finished. This is a good day indeed!!!!

This is the last picture of about 17. The preceding started from the raw aluminum and ended with this. Happy, very happy ;)

Sorry for the derail.

But my projector has been accepted in Hong Kong and is on its way!

Now I'll die of a spider bite or something. Too much good news.

Edit: just saw it's only "shipping info notified" but st least it's getting ready to move.
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ARRIVAL of projector! Did a quick testing in the daylight and :drool:

Also sound mode = AWESOME sensitivity.....cell phone on high (obviously not super loud at all) projector picks it up from 5 feet away :drool: Tony, the LK needs to have sound inches from the projector (other than yours lol right? I dont follow that thread anymore)

Photos are uploading to photobucket so relax :D

EDIT: in auto I saw ~589nm and ~473nm, yes i said yellow and aqua!!!! It was actually a surprise to me! I was seeing 650, 405, 532 and then boom yellow, whoa!!!! BOOM 473nm WTF AWESOME!

Yes box within a box and both in pristine condition

I might be crazy on the 473nm part but I swear I saw it. Im going to have to take it out at night and use it in the dark (not sure if daylight has that big of a change on wavelength perception)
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Nice! Very excited to see pictures :)

They are saying they have to tap on them to get response. Mine works from my phone too at about 3ft. Or I call speak normally on setting 9.

Sounds like the casa is even better than mine.

At first I was disappointed to get haks used pj. But after hearing about that sound issue I'm happy to have it.
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Yeah during my test video I was talking and the projector came on :D The video will take forever to upload and I have a few so uploading them overnight as to not slow down my computer today.
Roll that beautiful beam footage ;)

? All functions working?

Wow looks great in daylight.
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You tell me ;) photo of packing is above with the other photos. Surprised you didnt see it :(

Only tried sound and auto since I am DMX-less ATM
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