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Group buy for 16X dvd burner diodes !

  • Thread starter Thread starter SenKat
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OK, I went to Radio Shack and got the list of components that Daedal suggested [smiley=dankk2.gif]

Now i just need a post telling how to hook it all up, so I can get the most power [smiley=evil.gif] , without burning it out of course. [smiley=undecided.gif]


Guys - there are plenty remaining (over 40) so purchase away !

Paypal and prices are listed in the first page of this thread....
00304 said:
when are u sending out and what components do i need to get lol

No offense but you need to learn to go back through the thread and read the posts. You already asked about the components and Daedal and I tried to help you. I know you saw the posts because you replied to them.
Daedal said:
[quote author=yuip link=1183788027/210#213 date=1185554512]Wow Greg! Nice pics. Can't wait to play around with my diodes.  :)

Okay, I have a quick question though. When you add a capacitor to the circuit, it gives the diode a slow "start up" so to speak, right? Well I've been using 6.3 volt 100uf capacitors, and I want to play around with pumping high ammounts of current through one of the diodes (like VaThInK on CPF does) with a heatsinked peliter to cool the module. So my question is, can I use a high capacitance capacitor (like 1000uf or more) to give a very slow ramp up to full current at around 500-800mA. I will probably use the AixiZ wall wart supply (supposedly regulated at 3.2 Volts @ 500mA) but if any of you guys know of a good power supply I'm open to suggestions. Unfortunately I can't afford a benchtop DC Power Supply so that's out of the question for now.

Thinking it over, it would probably be better to use a potentiometer, but I don't really want to have to fool with having to slowly turn the current up.

It sucks having a limited electronics knowledge.  :'(

I think what you're trying to do is to create a bit of a delayed start?

That kind of thing can easily be done by using a larger capacitor, such as the one you suggested, connected in series with a nice, big, resistor... :)

What that does is effectively add a resistance to your circuit thus slowing down the ramping of the capacitor. Thus slowly charging the capacitor, once the capacitor is charged, then your current starts going into the diode. :)

P.S. 500mA = instant death! 300mA is probably instant death! Just so you know  ;)


Hey Daedal,

Yeah, I figured at 500mA it would probably kill it instantly. Thanks for the info though. I wasn't exactly looking for a delayed start up, I was just looking at slowly ramping up the current. But, I appreciate the information because I may wind up doing that in my circuit (if I can get a delay of 2-3 seconds) for extra safety.
I have just spent an hour reading through the whole thread, at some point I placed an order  :)....I am pretty new to laserism and would like to pick some brains here.

I am engineering a tri colour projector using a 10 mw green and, as of this thread, a higher powered red, I am not looking to burn (unless one of the ones I have ordered ends up as a spare  :))

My projector has to be portable and my power source will be a 12v car battery (to run the motors/servos/etc.  I have purchased from ebay a couple of 12v to 1.5/3.0/4.5/6 @1500ma regulated supplies) I realise I will need to do a bit of curcuitary but it does not need to be small enough to fit a poiner.

I am a mechanical engineer not too well versed in electronics, though I can follow a circuit diagram and design and solder a vero board. When some of you whizz kids have done some experiments would you please pass on your findings to lesser mortals like me?

An aside, I have probably spent more on parts than it would have cost to buy a laser show on ebay...but where would the fun be in that :).

Regards to you all Rog8811
yes i have been but i still have no idea what im looking for i never made one before so i was hoping someone could post a like from radioshacks website of the stuff they are using
I guess everyone really needs this guide on how to make their own laser driver then? :-?

I'm sorry all, and perhaps my prior posts have not been clear enough. But please understand that this last week has been nothing but utter mess and I have had not free time at all. As far as today is concerned, I am pretty much free from about 4 hours onwards... The guide for how to make your own diode driver, how to tune it, how to test it, and how to build it will all be coming today. *crossing fingers* :)

Thank you all for the patience and again I apologize for keeping you all waiting;
Daedal said:
I guess everyone really needs this guide on how to make their own laser driver then?  :-?

I'm sorry all, and perhaps my prior posts have not been clear enough. But please understand that this last week has been nothing but utter mess and I have had not free time at all. As far as today is concerned, I am pretty much free from about 4 hours onwards... The guide for how to make your own diode driver, how to tune it, how to test it, and how to build it will all be coming today. *crossing fingers* :)

Thank you all for the patience and again I apologize for keeping you all waiting;

Eh, no need to appologize. Everyone is busy at one time or another. I am definitely looking forward to that guide though. Thanks man!
@DDL, I look forward to seeing how you progress with this, personally small size is not my main criteria....(that could be misconstrued.... :))

I will be exceedingly thankful for any help on this one as I know I do not have the knowledge or test equipment to do it on my own.

Regards rog8811
00304 said:
yes i have been but i still have no idea what im looking for i never made one before so i was hoping someone could post a like from radioshacks website of the stuff they are using

I was concerned you might not know how to solder, since you said you would be using liquid solder. If you don't know how to solder it is very easy to learn. You can practice on some printed circuit boards and wires you are not using. Liquid solder is a big no no as far as I am concerned.

A guide on how to solder follows for anyone whom may not know:


Radio Shack has a variety of soldering irons. I personally use a Radio Shack 25 watt soldering iron.
I also bought a soldering iron stand from Radio Shack, because it makes it so much easier when having to set the iron aside and not worry about burning anything. Part numbers follow.

Catalog #: 64-2070
Catalog #: 64-2078

Any 60/40 formula rosin core solder will work well and Radio Shack has tons of it.
Daedal said:
I guess everyone really needs this guide on how to make their own laser driver then?  :-?

I'm sorry all, and perhaps my prior posts have not been clear enough. But please understand that this last week has been nothing but utter mess and I have had not free time at all. As far as today is concerned, I am pretty much free from about 4 hours onwards... The guide for how to make your own diode driver, how to tune it, how to test it, and how to build it will all be coming today. *crossing fingers* :)

Thank you all for the patience and again I apologize for keeping you all waiting;
THANK YOU!!! You will help out so many people here if you do this! Thank you for donating your valuable time to electronic handicapped people like me! Did I mention THANKIS for doing this?
