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FrozenGate by Avery

Group Buy # 3 For Sony 16X DVD Burner Didoes

  • Thread starter Thread starter SenKat
  • Start date Start date
Alrighty then!! 8-)

When are you planning to ship to us Senkat??

I've bought all the little parts to build my driver circuit with the help of Daedal's schematic.
Yesterday i found out that 6volts flashlights are hard to get in the Netherlands >:( They all run on 4,5 volts 3x AAA :-/
If it turns out, that the LD does not gets enough juice out of the 4,5 volts, i have to online shop again for a freakin flashlight :-/
oh well. In the USA they are really cheap though, only 12 Dollar for the type which Daedal uses!

then it's burning time!! 8-) 8-) 8-)

I will be shipping either the same day they are received, or next day (time permitting on the same day option !) and I HOPE they arrive tomorrow ! If so, I can use APO (Automated Post Office) to ship these out, the only issue is they would not go out until Monday unless I beat the 1pm CST deadline. It all really depends on what time they arrive at my house - They were Shipped out Wednesday (My Thursday) by Fedex international, and I have never dealt with them before, so am unsure how fast it will be. The tracking information simply says, "In Transit"

G !
SenKat said:
I will be shipping either the same day they are received, or next day (time permitting on the same day option !) and I HOPE they arrive tomorrow !  If so, I can use APO (Automated Post Office) to ship these out, the only issue is they would not go out until Monday unless I beat the 1pm CST deadline.  It all really depends on what time they arrive at my house - They were Shipped out Wednesday (My Thursday) by Fedex international, and I have never dealt with them before, so am unsure how fast it will be.  The tracking information simply says, "In Transit"

G !

Oh no problem, its going to be okay  8-) I haven't received my Axiz either, because the whole world buys that particular type of housing  ;D and there is a two week waiting list on these things at the moment. It is on their website  ;D

I want to thank you for all your work Senkat!
No problems, I do this because I love to do it ! I THOROUGHLY enjoy the inventiveness, and the WOW factor that you all are bringing into the forum - some of the ideas and projects posed recently have simply blown me away, and I could not be happier to be able to help out like this ! :-) I would offer a satisfaction guranteed statement, but that is a moot point - once you are successful in building a DIY laser of some variety, you will be HOOKED ! <----THAT is guaranteed LOL !!

G !
Knasterpijp said:
Yesterday i found out that 6volts flashlights are hard to get in the Netherlands  >:( They all run on 4,5 volts 3x AAA  :-/
If it turns out, that the LD does not gets enough juice out of the 4,5 volts, i have to online shop again for a freakin flashlight

I don't see a problem with 4.5 volts really - you just have to use a current regulator as is discribed elsewhere on this forum. I've seen one with a LM317 regulator around, but perhaps that might require more than 4.5 volts to work well.

I'll draw up a current source with a lower drop voltage if anyone is interested. Still tinkering to make it as good as possible (with easily variable current too), but it won't be hard to build and work with components available from any electronics shop.
Benm said:
[quote author=Knasterpijp link=1187465349/90#96 date=1188038472]
Yesterday i found out that 6volts flashlights are hard to get in the Netherlands  >:( They all run on 4,5 volts 3x AAA  :-/
If it turns out, that the LD does not gets enough juice out of the 4,5 volts, i have to online shop again for a freakin flashlight

I don't see a problem with 4.5 volts really - you just have to use a current regulator as is discribed elsewhere on this forum. I've seen one with a LM317 regulator around, but perhaps that might require more than 4.5 volts to work well.

I'll draw up a current source with a lower drop voltage if anyone is interested. Still tinkering to make it as good as possible (with easily variable current too), but it won't be hard to build and work with components available from any electronics shop.

Well i bought almost the same parts that Daedal uses for his black laser torch and he uses 6 volt.

the parts i bought:

-LM317 TO 220
-47uF Capacitor
-Resistor 4 or 5 OHM (i have to test wich is better)
-1N4007 diode

I am going to solder it just like Daedal's schematic he placed somewhere else on this forum.
Ones this cuircit is build i have to messure what current is floating trough the LD. Maybe with a Potentio meter, i can tune it a bit, to get close to 250ma right??
So hopefully they are coming on Monday. Ok thats fine. The Aixiz are no longer delayed too if you are getting that kind.
Hi all.

First, thanks for all the info here on this forum, I'm much more informed now about lasers and the electronics involved, so I, for one, won't be going off half-cocked with a DVD burner LD. There really is a lot of great info here.

Now, for my question SenKat, I've ordered 1 LD in this group buy, and I have decided I'd like to get another (why buy 1 when you can get 2 for twice the price?). If I just put another order through google checkout, you can ship them together still since they haven't arrived in your hand yet, is that correct? Hopefully this will save you some hassle. I'm also putting this in a PM. Thanks.
Hey Daedal,

I've red your guide. (the forum did not allow me to paste the URL) >:(
You said i need at least a resistor (4 /5 OHM) right? But where are the LM317 TO-39 or TO-220 package for then? is to endurance the LD lifetime?
I use 2x 1,5 volts batteries. You use 2x 3volts batteries. Do i need different parts now?

I am confused about which parts i must buy to match the 3volts PSU and to get the best out of the LD.
please enlight me Daedal! ;D


Ok... let's see if I read this right...
You're talking about my guide for the laser torch or the laser diode driver? (Laser Torch I'm assuming)
I believe the links for the parts have been linked to in my first post on that one with the parts list... if that's what you're looking for. The TO-220 is the one you'd find at radioshack, the TO-39 is the bigger one and MAY fit in the flashlight (no promises :-/).
The LM317 is the regulator that makes sure there is no ripple current, over-drive, or variable output from your "drive circuit". With a battery+resistor setup... you can have up to 10V flash into your LD at once (that means insta-death for a poor laser diode). The resistor does a measly job at limiting the current, and the lack of ripple rejection/filtering is honestly the same as a human walking around without the balancing ability from your ears... you never know where you're headed next! :o
The batteries I am using are a better fit for this project because of the dropout through the regulator itself. If you want to make the same project as mine, follow the guide. Everything is there. Many questions have been answered. If you want to make your own, the circuit itself is available here ... http://www.laserpointerforums.com/forums/YaBB.pl?num=1185701612

Hope that helps;
My findings with LM317 is that it will provide constant current only under the condition that a constant voltage is supplied. Meaning it will need at least 3V for itself to work properly, otherwise the constant current will drop gradually along with the decreasing battery voltage.

You will need some reserve voltage for you LM317 to provide constant current (1V or more)

(Voltage drop LM317 + forward voltage laser diode + 1V reserve or more)
The voltage drop of the LM317 is 2 volts. Add to that the silicon diode in Daedal's circuit and you end up with at least a 2.5 volt drop, plus the voltage to over drive the diode which can be anywhere above 2.5 volts, depending on how brave one is. This is why it is recommended to use 6 volts with his circuit. If you leave the silicon diode out, you can easily get by with 5.5 volts.

I agree a constant voltage source is needed for the current to be truly regulated. It is very easy to build a voltage regulator using an LM317T, or one could even get a 7805 5 volt regulator, and put a silicon diode in series with the ground which would raise the voltage to 5.5 volts. In this case, using Daedal's circuit and the 5 volt regulator, the minimum voltage required would be 8 volts.
Gazoo said:
The voltage drop of the LM317 is 2 volts. Add to that the silicon diode in Daedal's circuit and you end up with at least a 2.5 volt drop, plus the voltage to over drive the diode which can be anywhere above 2.5 volts, depending on how brave one is. This is why it is recommended to use 6 volts with his circuit. If you leave the silicon diode out, you can easily get by with 5.5 volts.

I agree a constant voltage source is needed for the current to be truly regulated. It is very easy to build a voltage regulator using an LM317T, or one could even get a 7805 5 volt regulator, and put a silicon diode in series with the ground which would raise the voltage to 5.5 volts. In this case, using Daedal's circuit and the 5 volt regulator, the minimum voltage required would be 8 volts.

Gazoo, do you think there is another type of the LM317 series with a lower voltage drop, so 4,5 volts(3x 1,5volts AAA) works with the circuit?? Because in the Netherlands, 6volt flashlights are hard to get for a reasonable price  :(
If it cant be done, then i have to online shop again for the 6volts flashlight which daedal is using. I've build his circuit already, but naturally it only works well on 6volts.
i just bought a voltage regulator kit from jaycar, and can you guess, it uses a LM317T!! would you just need to regulate the voltage, or would i require one for current?
Yes, there are much more efficient regulators similar to the one Daedal used in the same type of package. The main reason Daedal used the LM317T is availability and price.

If you do a search on google for low dropout voltage regulator. I am sure you will find something more efficient. Also keep in mind that Eric will soon be posting a feeler for group buy laser diode drivers. The EU-37 and EU-38.

things said:
i just bought a voltage regulator kit from jaycar, and can you guess, it uses a LM317!! would you just need to regulate the voltage, or would i require one for current?

Yup, I could have guessed ;D You need to regulate current going to the diode. If you use Daedal's circuit with the voltage regulator you bought, you will have a very stable circuit.
so would i need to regulate the current if i am regulating the voltage with the LM317T??
