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Glad to be back after 7 month vacation

Welcome back David! Yes, um.... the rep's have gotten a little ridiculous :eek: Im like at what, 21K LOLOLOL! :crackup:

Sorry, I don't remember you, but welcome back all the same. There are all sorts of new diodes around now. Especially in the past two weeks.
You missed Camp Lem in northern California Up in the Trinity Shasta National forest.
Welcome back, I guess a lot changed during 7 months. At least Laserbtb stopped production, CNI does not seem to deliver to end customer directly, we have 7 W blue diode (maybe it is longer here than 7 months), 505 nm diode seems to be released soon for commercial produce likely, awesome multiline 589 nm Spartan, insane 532 nm 1.4+ W (!) Optotronics RPL-II is on the market and Sanwu is able to fit even 700 mW to 1 W blue diode in Pocket series host on demand. And I definitely missed something. ;)

Edit: And yes, rep inflation is definitely on place here, but I do not see there a problem much. It just think it is a sign of active community here.
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Nice to see you back. Yep, the rep numbers have gotten pretty crazy. Nearly just doubled your rep in one hit. :beer:
