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ArcticMyst Security by Avery | Browser Hide by Avery

General News Discussion

You know with most of the country experiencing heat waves. Here in Tacoma Washington today the high was 62 and it's 59 right now. Love it here!
Eek, it's going up to 93F here today and tomorrow with a humidity that feels like as high as 110F. We don't have air conditioning in my place, so gonna be sleeping in the basement for a couple nights it looks like. :LOL:
Eek, it's going up to 93F here today and tomorrow with a humidity that feels like as high as 110F. We don't have air conditioning in my place, so gonna be sleeping in the basement for a couple nights it looks like. :LOL:

Yeah, it's 55 here right now. Not supposed to get out of the 60s today. I feel for you.
We might get up into the swealtering mid 80's later this week.

Yeah, but is always better here than anywhere else in the country. I love living in Tacoma.

It's supposed to get up to 84 here on Friday. That seems to be as hot as it will get here. We shall see.
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Going up to 91°F today not including humidity. Woke up this morning to a terrible smell in the house. I found a dead rodent in the cabinet under the kitchen sink. It had already started to rot due to the extreme heat, not sure how long it had been there, but the smell was overwhelming as I removed the carcass lol.
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Yesterday in MA we lost are 911 emergency service number for a couple hours at least.
Scary stuff.
Yesterday in MA we lost are 911 emergency service number for a couple hours at least.
Scary stuff.

Yeah, I saw that as well. I hope anyone who needed help was able to get it.
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I got the amber alert for both mass and ny
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Come to think of it, are you sure you mean amber alert? Isn't that for missing children?
I cringe for the familys when I get them. Most of the time though I think its just one of the divorced parents taking the child so they are safe.
Come to think of it, are you sure you mean amber alert? Isn't that for missing children?
I cringe for the familys when I get them. Most of the time though I think its just one of the divorced parents taking the child so they are safe.

Most of the time it is a noncustodial parent taking the child. I guess that's better than the alternative, but doesn't mean the child is safe. I got custody of my daughter when she was two and raised her as a single parent. I didn't ask for child support and didn't try to contact her mother as she was a mess. I finally found her for my daughter when she turned 18 as I figured she couldn't do any harm at that point.
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Come to think of it, are you sure you mean amber alert? Isn't that for missing children?
I cringe for the familys when I get them. Most of the time though I think its just one of the divorced parents taking the child so they are safe.
Oh probably. My bad
its 40C (104 F) where I live today ;_; And Im in Canada ffs.
Its all downhill from here.
Im gonna go fill a super soaker with hydrochloric acid and soak all the private jets parked at the fucking airport. Government wants to mandate overpriced electric cars for everyone but lets rich assholes do a lifetimes carbon emissions in 6 months because they cant be fucked to use public transport.
