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FrozenGate by Avery

G2 lens help needed.

Can you post some pictures of what you are seeing?

the newest 'G' from AixiZ is black anodized and shorter (by 2mm) because of ~two buyers that had a problem with IIRC reflections- so the newest version was made shorter and no longer shiny brass.

I suggested that AixiZ call these new G lenses by some other number than just 'G2' but a VET here shot that idea down.

from tests I have no reason to believe that these two new AixiZ lenses are as good or better than the other single element lenses AND a thinner beam always means a brighter looking beam as its more concentrated just like the VERY pricey 640nm red labbies
lower/brighter appearing nm AND tighter beam makes it >twice as bright as the same mW in 650nm--
(see Norty's demo of this at the other forum)

Why so much cheaper?
AixiZ goes to China every year to visit family and a buying trip
AixiZ never buys less than 1000 pcs per order or more
AixiZ has been buying from the same place for MANY years..
AixiZ relies on volume sales and can afford to make less per unit.

If anyone wants to sell these AixiZ lenses can give you a price break on an order of 100 pcs or more --IIRC 8$ per lens for an order of 100 pcs.
Chuck likes to hear from you by phone
call between 8 am and noonish weekdays ==Houston time at 1-713 240 4929
and tell Chuck Len gave you his number.

He likes to hear about new items you would like to see offered.

HOWEVER AixiZ sadly, cannot provide COMPLETE step by step help on builds-
you have the forum for that-

'We' never know how much help is needed- and just how much info they really need.
I know because AixiZ sends such requests to me.

Think about it.. make mental list of skillz needed..

and all the equipment that is needed--


Its better to deal with AixiZ at aixiz.com NOT at Greedbay or Scamazon.

while there click on 'new items'

you might get a break on shipping if you ask for one.

@Jay I will be going to AixiZ very soon and will send you some lens samples.
these are the same or better than the ones sold by GBs and from O-Like. but maybe cheaper and for sure quicker delivery overall.

hope this helps

Hi I contacted DTR and Jordan said they might be coming from China? I contacted him by mistake and thought I bought it from him.i buy many lenses for my builds . I had actually got those 8mm's from Aixis on Amazon. Befor and they were 10mm's the third time I got them which was last week they were all 8mm. I had the same issues with them. I sent an email to Aixiz no reply yet. I tried them on all 14 of my builds, none worked either.there just 2mm to short for focus.DTR sells only10mm. Hope this helps a bit.
Hak states the anodized barrels are shorter but the lenses I got that were 8mm were indeed brass . So there's something going on.
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Hi I contacted DTR and Jordan said they might be coming from China? I contacted him by mistake and thought I bought it from him.i buy many lenses for my builds . I had actually got those 8mm's from Aixis on Amazon. Befor and they were 10mm's the third time I got them which was last week they were all 8mm. I had the same issues with them. I sent an email to Aixiz no reply yet. I tried them on all 14 of my builds, none worked either.there just 2mm to short for focus.DTR sells only10mm. Hope this helps a bit.
Hak states the anodized barrels are shorter but the lenses I got that were 8mm were indeed brass . So there's something going on.

Mine are only 8mm and also brass. Have you tried focusing them without a focus ring? If so, are you having the same issue that I am, being unable to get the lens to focus to infinity? I believe there is an issue with the lens itself.
