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FrozenGate by Avery

Fs: Sold

Aug 30, 2008
SOLD OUT....sry guys.

I really want to get this stuff moved out. I was hoping to be done much sooner, but I obviously had much more stuff than I thought.

I've still got over 200 C6 heat sinks here.
CNC machined, black anodized.

If anyone is interested in batches of 50, 100, or 200 I'll let me go for dirt cheap.

You must pay the shipping, which will be a small flat rate box for 50, or a medium flat rate box for anything more than that.

International buyers: Either pay for Express, or take full responsibility for lost packages.

50 heat sinks: $100
100 heat sinks: $175
200 heat sinks: $300

I "THINK" I have enough set screws for all of them.
These heat sinks are already individually wrapped in bubble wrap by the manufacturer.

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Wow! that went fast! Especially considering the quantity. But Golly what an incredible price!!!!
Gosh darn it I accidentally + repped this idiot.Will you guys please neg rep him for me to undo mine.
Done !

What a deal from Moh, $1.50 for each anodized C6 sink !
