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FrozenGate by Avery

FS: MXDL Silver Kits

Damn Matt, you and teh shiny are making me want this kit. This will look nice with my 8X .;)

I really want one of these kits cant wait and I love the last kit (Pailide) just got the GGW in it and it burns like a mo fo lol I want one for sure!!!!

as soon as i get notice that they've shipped i can get the ball rolling....i've got to get them in my hand before i can have heatsinks made...
I will be stocking these hosts in my "Mohrenberg Exlusives" section. I must say the anticipation of the hosts is immense bro! I get PM's about them even now!! and their not even available!!

Daguin - What would it take to get some heatsink measurements to make myne and mohrenbergs lives go a lil faster ^_^ Thank you in advance brother.

Tyler - Dark Lasers
I take it that this will have good heatsinking if you can run an 8x in it?
heatsinks are least of my worries, once i get the hosts in my hands i can have the heatsinks in a day or two...
Once they have shipped i'll start taking pre-orders, as it stands there will only be 7 available as i need two and unreal is getting one...But i wanna get these sold quick to get the funds to get these AND pailides going again

as far as heatsinking for 8x, it is FAR from sufficient for long duty cycles.....it will prob be enough for maybe 30 sec duty cycles. a rough guesstimate from someone reporting on the inside diamter left me with the idea that the heatsink will be around 25mm in diamtere, which leaves about 6mm thickness surrounding the aixiz module.

i may think about offering these with copper heatsinks for those who want the extra heat dissipation.....although copper is much more expensive.
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Damn Matt, it won't even be safe with a really shiny host, and an 8x that gets mad hot.... chicks'll dig em.

if people are still interested i may jsut sell these 7 witout the driver
just the host heatsink and battery modded and ready for a driver and module for around $35 shipped in US
I know this is a bad thread to be asking this on but what exactly does a Flex Drive do? I know all diodes should have a driver connected between the battery and the diode but I'm not sure exactly what it does. The reason I ask on this thread is because the battery voltage of a rechargeable CR123A is only 4.2 when fully charged and unless the flex drive allows you to run at a higher voltage, only about 70mW of 405nm could be achieved from an 8x. In all the tests I have seen, the 8x was driven at around 80ma, <4.4V when it achieved 70mW. I will research more on the forum anyway. Probably should have done that first :whistle:. Thanks.

EDIT: Most of this post was useless because it took me 2 seconds to find out what a flex drive did. But I still don't understand how using an 8x in this host would be effective because of the battery voltage.
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