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FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' option

Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

jayrob said:
Well... with the basic kit plus 'hot' option and shipping, it is still under $100 dollars.

With the 'hot' option, most of the hard stuff is done, and all you need to do, is put your diode into an AixiZ module, glue on the sleeve, solder to my lead wires, and assemble it! 8-)

For a build of this quality, the price is reasonable...

Can you have the clicky be turned ON when I receive it, too ? Perhaps you can HOLD the laser for me, and I can tell you which way to point it ? ::) WOW....YOU are turning the masses into appliance operators ! That's good for some folks....but for others - it's gonna be tough to match your builds with innovations of our own if you keep on snatching up all the ideas ! I drove past my IDEA BUSH yesterday, and it was stripped bare ! ;D ;D

GREAT WORK as usual, Jay ! Keep 'em coming !

Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

Thanks Greg!.... :) I know I have used some of your ideas in the past! (cough Tritium cough) :D

You know, building a laser into a tiny host is very desirable. And now that the version 4 FlexDrive is only 9mm X 12mm in size, well... that's what makes this kind of a build possible!

Just to remind everybody,
As mentioned before, even with the 'Hot' option, this build is still very tight. And although I use very fine, flexible wire, you still must be very careful with moving the lead wires around too much. All that is needed, is to solder them to the diode. So if your careful, it will be fine. Here's some more pictures:



Peng, your Micro Chrome kit with 'Hot' option will be shipping tomorrow! (Tuesday)

I have the driver set to 180mA's per your request. (blu-ray test load)

Please post back when you do your build! :)
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Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

I gotta lend my support to this build, it is beyond awesome!  I have a much bigger flashlight host with a PHR at 150mW and I rarely ever use it since it is very big, but with this thing being so small, a PHR at 114mW in it is much more fun!  Brings me back to my good old small laser pointing days.  :)

I also ordered a clip for it to help with two things.  Portability (even though its small, carrying it in a pocket is slightly uncomfortable) so I got a Fenix AAA flashlight clip, which I hope will work out well.   That way I can carry it in my pocket and not even realize its there until I need it.  (that is if the clip works).   The second reason is for grip.  This host is so nice looking, its almost a sin just picking it up!  ;D  And I always worry I am going to drop it or something.  So the clip should add some grip to the currently slippery shiny chrome.

Here is what I got for reference

And heatsinking seems to be excellent as well.  After about a min of being on you can feel the heat on the 'business end' just below the AixiZ focus ring.  So heat is transferring very well to the host body.  I'm sure I could leave it on for longer than a min, but I don't want to risk anything.   And battery life is great, I have been using it a lot and so far its still as bright and powerful as it was when I first put the battery in.  

Couple of body shots to show its size comparison to other common objects.


Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

Thanks for posting back! :)

I see that everything is very well with your build. NICE pictures that show off the size and look of the build! 8-) Once again, great find, and thanks for pointing me to this sweet little host!

Kloan, just to let you know, I am shipping your Micro Chrome basic kit tomorrow! (Tuesday)

I hope your build goes well. Instructions and build tips included. Please post back! :)
Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

So once you solder the wires from the driver to the diode you just hold the two little pieces together and get a tiny bit of a glue and put it around it make it into one piece or does it some-how thread to together and not snap the wires somehow?

I know!

You should have a triutium option with this one too!
Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

You have to hold, or clamp the pieces together while your adhesive dries...

I like Arctic Silver thermal adhesive because it sets in 5 minutes. Now I recommend using only enough to make the two pieces stay together. Just a little is all that is needed. You want to be able to take them apart if you ever kill the diode.

Also, you must be careful to get them aligned nice and perfectly, otherwise the assembly won't be able to screw into the head of the host.

And of course, don't get glue on the threads!

About the Tritium, of course that thought ran through my head. But I quickly dismissed it because of not wanting to cut a slot into the nice chrome finish! ;)
Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

I am SO tempted to go for a matching set of these, for burning red and violet, of course. Wow, so tempting. If I hadn't just bought so much in the CNI group buy...totally worth it though.

Just hope these hosts stay available. One day soon.
Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

I think they will stay available since they are Cree/UltraFire...

But they are kind of expensive, so I am only ordering them 3 at a time.

If you catch me with a couple on hand, then your order will be ready with-in a day or two. But if I have to wait on a DX order, it may be a week or two. But it will be worth the wait! ;)

These are so sweet! 8-)
Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

jayrob said:
You have to hold, or clamp the pieces together while your adhesive dries...

I like Arctic Silver thermal adhesive because it sets in 5 minutes. Now I recommend using only enough to make the two pieces stay together. Just a little is all that is needed. You want to be able to take them apart if you ever kill the diode.

Also, you must be careful to get them aligned nice and perfectly, otherwise the assembly won't be able to screw into the head of the host.

And of course, don't get glue on the threads!

About the Tritium, of course that thought ran through my head. But I quickly dismissed it because of not wanting to cut a slot into the nice chrome finish! ;)

Sad face :(

Think you could do one for me with tritium marker or would it stuff it up ? :-?
Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

There are some slots or grooves on the host, but they are too shallow to mount the Tritium vial into...

I would want the tiny glass vial mounted at least flush or slightly below the metal to protect it.

And if I machine a part of the slot deeper for the Tritium, I'm afraid that the chrome coating may start to peel.

I would not mess with the chrome finish. It is much too nice to mess it up. It is 'mirror' like. The pictures do not do the finish justice! 8-)



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Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

docjohn, I shipped your Micro Chrome build kit with 'Hot' option today!

I set the driver to 190mA's per our discussion. (blu-ray test load)

That's going to one sweet 6X build! 8-) And I know you have a 405-G-1 glass lens mod for it! ;)

Please post back whey you do your build! :)
Re: FS: Micro Chrome Build Kit! FlexDrive 'Hot' op

The_Muffin_Man, I shipped your Micro Chrome build kit with 'Hot' option today!

I set the driver to 190mA's (just like docjohn's) per our discussion. (blu-ray test load)

Please post back when you do your build! :)

Did you build yours yet John?
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Hey Jay,

Got my kit today. It is WAY smaller than I expected. It makes some of my other "tiny" hosts look really big. I also got the glass lens (blu-ray) as we discussed. I put it in one of my phr builds and as i was focusing it, it burned my finger...And thats with a phr! Id be afraid to focus if it had a 6x or an 8x...

Thanks again!
what would the duty cycle be if the driver is set to something safe like 185mA? would that be like the PHR set at 125mA where it's safe enough that it doesn't really have a duty cycle since you're not pushing it hard like other projects?
Probably not. The main difference is that you're generating 50% more heat; with a given heatsink that will cause the temperature of the die to rise faster and stabilize at a much higher temp. I'd stop if the heatsink becomes uncomfortably warm at the latest.
what would the duty cycle be if the driver is set to something safe like 185mA? would that be like the PHR set at 125mA where it's safe enough that it doesn't really have a duty cycle since you're not pushing it hard like other projects?

Are you talking about a GGW 6X at 185mA's?

I like that current for the GGW myself. But I always use a 1 min. on / 1 min. off duty just because it can't hurt right?

I read that Igor mentioned that a duty cycle may not be needed, but as dr-ebert said, if you feel heat, it can't be good...
