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FS: Hi-Power AR Lens Assy- 25-30% Inc. vs. Aixiz

Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix


I feel it necessary to correct very vague statements or 'half truths' that you make. You do not answer questions fully. Either that, or you do not know the answer.

You should not be making the claim that your lens is better for red than Meredith glass, when you have not even tried Meredith glass!!!

You claim that you are using the same lens that I am, but you 'vaguely' imply that yours has little or no 'splash'... 

About Meredith, they have a new broad band coated lens that I have tested (and compared) as well. I use their original 'optimized for red' lens for my Meredith fit for AixiZ modification that is best for red.

Their new lens is not as good as my 405-G-1 glass lens for blu-ray.

Also, your way of mounting the lens is different than mine, that's why your price is $6 dollars cheaper than mine. But you are very vague on the lens nut measurements... to make people think that the lens fits properly that way. Gluing the lens into the threaded end.

I know that it does not. So I will post and make it known that the lens fits 'loose' in that area. (because you have copied my idea of mounting this lens into an AixiZ nut)

You should not be stating 'half truths'. Or making claims on power when you have not even compared lenses...

Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix

Again, this mount seems very simple:

This factory machined flat seat, just below the threads has an inner diameter of .241,
and a larger diameter of ~0.250 on my dial caliper.
The lens with a diameter of 0.249 mounts very nicely on this flat machined seat.
Not a cone-shaped drilled seat like jayrob is using.

I have not tested the Meridith lens, but it does have a smaller NA and longer Focal length.

That would lead me to think that it would output less power.

And even your own test, showed only a 4.6 % difference.
jayrob said:
Starting with the comparison of the 405-G-1 glass lens vs Meredith glass with red.

* 405-G-1 glass lens - 302mW's.
* Meredith glass lens - 316mW's!

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Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix

I got the lenses. Thanks for extra Teflon.

and .. I had some time this morning to measure, and results are in.

I'll just state here that this lens seem to be the same lens as jay's 405-G-1 and it has EXACTLY THE SAME SPLASH AS JAY"S LENS !!

I will write short review / comparison to Jay's lens assy in reviews section soon.



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Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix

Miloš said:

I figured that. Thanks for taking the plunge and reporting honestly Miloš.
Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix

no problem.

i posted review. All comments are welcome
Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix


Thanks again for doing the lens testing.

By testing the laser first without the lens assembly,
you provided some good information about the actual efficiency of the lens.

On BluRay LD's the lens efficiency was 96.5%.

This indicates that we are not likely to improve the performance of BR diodes with another similar-priced lens.

Red LD's lenses still can be improved about 3-4 %,
and I am working on that goal.

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Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix


I just finished your new lens assembly.

It has the [highlight]new larger open aperture[/highlight] facing the LD.

This should increase the output on Red OC builds.

It will be mailed 4/23.


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Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix

Report from a 6X customer who bought the bare lens and installed it:

quantile said:
Received my lens today, thanks.

Power reading of my 6x went up from 165 mW with Aixiz plastic lens to 216 mW (30% increase). Wow.

The lens is mounted in the plastic Aixiz holder, I used clear epoxy to attach it.

Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix

Another post from Quantile on installing the lens in an Aixiz plactic lens body:

It is not as clean a mod as the brass one but considering the cost I really like it.

I use the plastic holder in reverse, i.e. the side with the two little notches faces the diode. Due to the lens' short focal length it would not focus to infinity in the normal configuration. As an additional benefit I use the small bottom part of the plastic lens nut as an aperture disc to reduce the ''side splash''-effect a bit, at the cost of output power, of course.

The lens holder needs to be screwed in all the way into the Aixiz module, there is no space for the focusing ring. I think I like it better this way, no more accidentally changing focus.

I used Norland NOA61 optical adhesive on the lens' mounting shoulder.

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Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix

Phoenix77 posted in the Reviews section for this lens assembly:

phoenix77 said:
I just received my BR lens from Larry DFW today. It came in it's own protective plastic bag, and was shipped in a bubble lined shipping envelope.
I placed it on the end of my "MILOS STINGRAY II, BR LASER" which has been putting out a steady 117mW's, ever since I bought it. I re-checked it one more time with my LASERBEE I DELUXE LPM before changing lenses, just to make sure nothing had changed. It hadn't, still 117mW's.
After I swapped the lenses, with Larry's Lens now in place, I took another reading with my LASERBEE, and almost fell out of my chair. The out-put of my Stingray II had jumped from 117mW's to 150mW's !!!!!!!! Just from changing lenses. That's a 33mW power jump in out-put, without having to solder a single thing. The whole process took me less than 10 seconds, FOR 33 MORE mW's OF POWER. INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!!!!
In all fairness to the other hi-power lens makers out there, I did NOT do any type of comparison to any other lens, except the stock AIXIZ acrylic lens. This is simply my stunned reaction to LARRY DFW's BR Hi-Power lens compared to the stock lens most of us use.
I was REALLY impressed with the results I got with LARRY's LENS, & would highly recommend it to anyone wanting a significant boost in the out-put of their BR Laser, that can be done by ANYONE in under 10 seconds, and for a modest price also..............Rob

150mw/117mw = a little over 28% increase in BR power.

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Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix

One thing I've been wondering about... do you mount those lenses with the flat side toward the diode, or the rounded one? What happens if you put it in the wrong way (you can probably see a difference in the beam pattern)?
Re: FS: Hi Power AR Lens - 25-30% Increase vs. Aix

dr-ebert said:
One thing I've been wondering about... do you mount those lenses with the flat side toward the diode, or the rounded one? What happens if you put it in the wrong way (you can probably see a difference in the beam pattern)?

Good question !

The lens mounts with the flat side facing the laser diode.

I have tested one with the round side facing the diode.

It changes the pattern and introduces more artifacts in the beam.

Reminds me of the testing with the objective lenses that came out of the PHR sleds.

Board members were trying them in both configurations.


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Another effect of facing the rounded side of the lens towards the laser diode:

the angle of the incident light is greater.

That would cause more reflection off the lens ...
even with a AR coating.

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docjohn said:
Can you figure out how to get one into an O-like module?

From the pictures I have seen of the O'like module, the red assembly lens looks just like the Aixiz glass lens.

If that is the case, then the Hi-Power lens will fit right in the O'like module.


P.S. Your lens assemblies & free bonus were shipped May 4th
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Just a note:
The Aixiz lens and the L*S*P-Modules lens are the same threads and fit each other.
Now I haven't tried to swap them in a working laser to see where the focal point is on each when swapped, but I'll bet they both work.
I read this somewhere and he was referring to the O-like modules...

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The O'like module pictures on her site show 2 different lenses.

The top photo shows a glass Aixiz lens assembly in wax paper,

while the bottom photo shows a different lens assembly with an o'ring.

Not really any competition, since O'like states a 20% power loss for the NEW lens (compared to 3.5% for the Hi-Power lens in Milo"s testing).

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