I plan on listing th eLPM on Ebay this weekend unless there is a buyer before then. The stuff for the 473 will be sent to an electronics recycling place a month from now if it is not gone.
I was away but got my package. Outstanding packing. Thanks.
Built a quickie 190mW (standard Aixiz plastic lens and driver set at 350mA) 660nm wiith that free LPC-815 sled in Mohs silver cone head 501b host
I'm not sure. I'd say at least 1W. I got them along with all the optics and other stuff to get that 473 running. It's been almost 4 years and I haven't made any attempt to get it running.
Seriously nobody wants any of this stuff? It really needs to go. The money is actually needed right now. Some stuff recently came up and I still have to pay the normal bills.
Seriously nobody wants any of this stuff? It really needs to go. The money is actually needed right now. Some stuff recently came up and I still have to pay the normal bills.
That Optotronics RPL-260 is one of the best laser pointers ever made for the power output, it is uber high quality and has a very low divergence, I am so tempted!
Looking forward to the 2 units. First time I will own batteries that big too. The sooner you can send them the better as we are going away this Friday for the weekend.
Well, I received the units and am VERY satisfied Those cells alone run $50 and that PT-54 green build was quite expensive. Also the red host is great too. Outstanding packaging and thanks for the "extras"
I have an idea I'm messing with for my PT-121 green for a nasty short all out blast of about 5000lm at 27A unregulated fun. Stupid bright. It has been tested and works but I haven't put it in anything yet but an idea is brewing. Already have a bright unregulated PT-54 at max. It mixed well with the PT-54 green that came today for a LOT of yellow.
Tried the green outside at 4:30 this morning and I really got to see how bright it is. WAY brighter than I realized