Am I wrong or is styro not offering a great deal here? 110mW 473 for $400 seems like a good price to me.... Looks like the guy is trying to sell a laser to pay the bills. Damn guys get off his ass. If you find his "source" more power to you but don't flame the guy who's trying his best to take care of himself.
Have any of you ever been between a rock and a hard spot? Had too many bills too pay and not enough money? If so you know it sucks an need all the help you can get. If not then lucky you but do NOT flame him for what he's doing. He's not being greedy, he's trying to make due.
I'm disappointed in anyone flaming styro on this sale
In fairness, I don't think anyone was flaming him, except perhaps me
So don't get angry at any of the other posters in this thread Jake.
To be honest, I'm still a little ticked at the whole "460nm" labbies, with the secret hidden source that he wouldn't disclose, which turned out not to be 460nm in the end. I feel like open disclosure might have avoided that mistake, and more importantly would help members of this forum avoid whomever the seller that Styro got those fake "460nm" labbies from in the future. As it stands, we have no way to know who "mistakenly" sold Styro those "460nm" labbies, and thus have no way to make sure that the rest of us don't send that company our money in the future. Someone pumped a bunch of falsely spec'd labbies into our community, and because of secrecy, we don't know who.
It's the same reason I'm still a bit ticked at Ablaze for his "470nm" diode, with the super secret source he wouldn't disclose, that of course, in the end, turned out not to be 470nm. If we keep this kind of stuff secret, we share with the community very few of the potential benefits, and often most of the negatives.
Though in this case, this is an awesome deal. $400 for an 80mW 473nm is a steel. I probably shouldn't have let residual-bad-taste from another scenario colour my comments here. Nothing I've said should detract from the reality that
someone is going to get an amazing laser here, for a great price, from StyroPyro. I'm sure Styro will sell this in a heartbeat.
I still stand by my perspective that
he can share his source, without compromising his ability to make money. These two things are
not mutually exclusive. So power to him - just do both.