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FS: 650-G-1 Glass Lens Modification! - Fit for AixiZ - 25% Increase for Red!


Sep 21, 2007
Meredith has discontinued selling their 'optimized for red' glass lenses...

But I have a replacement that is the exact same power output and beam profile for red! :) My 650-G-1...

This is not a 405-G-1 with a different coating. It is a different diameter and shape lens. It is coated specifically for red...

One of the reasons that I made a 'fit for AixiZ' modification for Meredith in the first place, is because the Meredith module (although the lens threads are nice), does not offer as good heatsinking properties as the AixiZ module. With the Meredith, the diode is only held against the module with spring tension, where as the AixiZ module is a pressed in diode, and much better heat transfer.

But also, because there are certain builds (like the awesome Kryton's), that can only take an AixiZ threaded lens. Plus the fact that there are a ton of existing AixiZ red builds already out there that can now have the best lens for red! Which is now my 650-G-1 glass lens mod! :cool:

After testing 5 different lenses from 4 different companies, I finally found the replacement lens to use for the now discontinued 'optimized for red' Meredith glass lenses. (same increase in power and same beam profile)
Power comparisons using several different lenses for red and blu-ray shown here

See this review from daguin: Thanks Dave! :)

Priced lower! (see below)


My 650-G-1 glass lens is the best lens for your red laser. It will give a 25% increase in power vs AixiZ acrylic. (new) Which means a 20% increase vs AixiZ acrylic - back opened.

It is a single element Aspheric lens. The AR coating on this lens is not good for use with blu-ray. For blu-ray, use my 405-G-1 glass lens mod shown here...

It is AR coated on both sides (600nm to 1050nm), and is mounted in a modified AixiZ glass brass nut. Just like my 405-G-1 glass lens. Using a custom machined sleeve to retain the lens inside the nut.

It is a 'short focus' lens, similar to my 405-G-1, but not as 'short focus' in design as my 405-G-1. It is a different diameter as well. (not just the same optic with a different AR coating)




Note: These are fit for AixiZ modules. If you need it to fit a Sure module, just let me know when you order. Sometimes the Sure modules are not threaded all the way down on the inside where the lens threads in. So I would machine a few of the front threads smooth, so that it fits the Sure module.

Also, the threading on Sure modules are tighter, and I need to run the lens nut through my 9mm X .5 die to take the black finish off of the lens nut for it to fit.

One difference I found in comparing my 650-G-1 glass lens vs Meredith, is that for blu-ray, Meredith gave more. This tells me that the AR coating on this 650-G-1 glass lens may be more specific for red. Maybe Meredith had less of a coating or something, but for red, the power is the same. And if you want the best power for blu-ray, choose my 405-G-1 glass lens mod! :)

NO GLUE in my lens assembly! You won't have to worry about if it is glued in straight, or if the glue will begin to dry out or chip with heat. My lens assembly will last a lifetime. And you just may want to take it apart and clean the lens once a year!


Reduced Pricing:

I bought a quantity that gave me a break in the price of these lenses, and will pass the savings on to you! :cool:

$52 dollars plus $3 dollars shipping. This modification includes the 650-G-1 glass lens complete assembly, with the 'finger grip' focus ring... (ready to install into your AixiZ module) You must use your existing spring, which is optional. I recommend 1 1/2 wraps of Teflon tape around the threads to minimize any possible movement.

If you just want the bare lenses, I will sell them for $25 dollars plus $2 dollars shipping...

* Please read my shipping policy here!

This is the best lens for red that I have found available. By letting the most possible light out of your module/lens, it will have less stress on your diode, and give you a huge increase in power! And it will last a lifetime if not abused in dirty conditions.

Hope you like it! :)

There is a new lens in the neighborhood...

I made this thread just so there would not be any confusion with another lens being available. These are my honest findings with the power comparisons. (as everything else I share) I have two of these that I bought. They are the same price. I would gladly sell them at a couple of dollars less to anyone who also wanted to do some comparison testing! :)

It is the exact same optical design as the 405-G-1, but it is just from a different supplier, and has a slightly different AR coating. Same focal length, same side splash, same specs exactly...

Will (lasers4u) is calling it the 405-G-2 only because of the slightly different AR coating.

He was my supplier for the 405-G-1 bare optics, and I can get these new lenses from him as well.

But I went ahead and got my latest supply of the 405-G-1 lenses direct from the manufacture because I wanted to stick with what I have had all along.

However, the new 405-G-2 is basically the same output for blu-ray. (very close)

Same pricing on the 405-G-2 as well...


New Lens Testing:

I did testing with three different lasers... (two different power blu-ray's, and a red)

GGW 6X @ 188mA's:

* 405-G-1: 234mW's
* 405-G-2: 231mW's

BDR-205 12X @ 350mA's:

* 405-G-1: 480mW's
* 405-G-2: 478mW's

LOC red @ 431mA's

* 405-G-1: 292mW's
* 405-G-2: 279mW's
* 650-G-1: 305mW's

So although the G2 is not as good for red, it is pretty much the same for blu-ray. (within a couple of mW's)

For red, my 650-G-1 is about 5% better than the 405-G-1...
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Re: FS: 650-G-1 Glass Lens Modification! - Fit for AixiZ - 25% Increase!

Awesome Jay! Again you're managed to amaze us!
Re: FS: 650-G-1 Glass Lens Modification! - Fit for AixiZ - 25% Increase!

Well, honestly... Meridith's new broadband lens is not too bad. But since it is about 4% less power for blu-ray vs my 405-G-1, and about 3% less power for red vs my 650-G-1, I figure there may be others like me, who what the most power possible for their builds! :) (plus my modification is fit for the popular AixiZ modules!)

This is better for the health of the diode as well, because it lets more light escape out of the module...

daguin, I sent your 650-G-1 glass lens today. (Thursday)

Thanks Dave!
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Re: FS: 650-G-1 Glass Lens Modification! - Fit for AixiZ - 25% Increase!

Nice, Jay! I see you've already switched the banner ;)
Re: FS: 650-G-1 Glass Lens Modification! - Fit for AixiZ - 25% Increase!

Yes... I was anticipating this for some time. (been testing lenses and stuff)

Which is why I had asked you to make this banner for me as well...

Thanks for that Niko! :)
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Haha thanks for the warning about lens abuse Jay!

I'll be picking one of these up soon because of my mistake, plus its a nice price!

I'll be sure to take way better care of it!

Hey if your lens is damaged to the point that you no longer want it, you can buy the bare optic for $25 dollars plus $2 dollars shipping...

Or send it to me and I will install it for you. (same price)

Just PM me! :) There is some work involved in making the sleeve for the mount and stuff, so even if the optic is trashed from the gun power from lighting fuses, the brass nut assembly can still be used for a new lens...
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So this lens will give the same power output with an AixiZ module as the Meredith module used to give you with their optimized for red lenses?
I have to tell you Jay, you have revolutionized AixiZ modules and their capabilities!
We need more creative people like you!

Good to see you back and posting!

Yes, this 650-G-1 glass lens modification fit for AixiZ will give the same increase in power and beam profile for red, as the now discontinued Meredith 'optimized for red' lenses.

Give it a try! :)

Good to see you back and posting!

Yes, this 650-G-1 glass lens modification fit for AixiZ will give the same increase in power and beam profile for red, as the now discontinued Meredith 'optimized for red' lenses.

Give it a try! :)

Even if their optimized for red lenses are in meredith modules?
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Even if their optimized for red lenses is in a meredith module?

Yes of course!

That was the first thing I checked when I originally did my 'fit for AixiZ' modification long ago.

It's just a matter of the the 'entry aperture' to the lens, being the same size on the AixiZ module, as it is on the Meredith module...

While we're on the subject, one of the reasons that I made a 'fit for AixiZ' modification for Meredith in the first place, is because the Meredith (although the lens threads are nice), does not offer as good heatsinking properties as the AixiZ module. With the Meredith, the diode is only held against the module with spring tension, where as the AixiZ module is a pressed in diode, and much better heat transfer.

But also, because there are certain builds (like the awesome Kryton's), that can only take an AixiZ threaded lens. Plus the fact that there are a ton of existing AixiZ red builds already out there that can now have the best lens for red! Which is now my 650-G-1 glass lens mod! :cool:
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eugene420, I sent your lenses today. Please post back with your comments on my new 650-G-1 glass lens mod! :)


With your 650-G-1 lens, how does the beam diameter compare with an Aixiz acrylic lens (when both are focused to infinity)?
Got you covered!

spectral532, the beam is much thinner. The lens is similar to my 405-G-1, but not quite as 'short focus' in design. There is not much 'side splash'. (if you notice any at all)

I am confident you will love this 650-G-1 glass lens for your red! :)
