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FREE DIY open source BOOST driver!!! Tested & working!!

so then it is the number of diodes I am using? Eh not trying to get spoon fed here... or I'm just an idiot that should leave this stuff alone... ... too L8..

maybe I should read electronics for beginners again... I doubt I will ever get it... took 2 years in 86 87 and failed my final project in high school. but I was 98% in physics and 90's in math and chem. I can assemble but dont understand what I am assembling (Unless it is Food..) but I make sure it is assembled corectly. I dont see the big picture so to say...

So you think my 20$ A830L ebay multi meter is fine? I dont... Sorry to say.. maybe.. maybe... for testing a batery v but I doubt it.. It's a POC! and that's All I'm going to say... it does wierd stuff.. could be the 9V battery is on the outs things change when that happens too. But the readings have been so far out on the same drivers it has to be the equiptment. I dont blame much on anything but ME! but I think my mm is dead wrong.

what kind of resistor.. and it is in the wrong place compared to the schematic..
You aren't understanding. When measuring voltage, you measure in parallel. I.e. connect your driver to the test load normally, then just touch your negative lead on your driver to the negative lead (WHILE STILL CONNECTED TO THE TEST LOAD) of the MM and the positive lead on your driver to the positive lead (WHILE STILL CONNECTED TO THE TEST LOAD) of the MM.
That might change things... thanks ..
yeah the readings are better and alot more compatable with what they should be.

I dont have a resistor to use but hooked up that way I get 3.36 with the 3V and 3.53 out of the 4v..
my hope was to get one of these to work with a PHR. There kind of useless as a stand alone HP 445 driver You need to paralell them for anything high power which is probably why so many people lost interest... so I thaught maybe they could be used as a low power option.
And did we ever find the datasheet of the diode you are using? Because 6 diodes may not be enough with only 110mA through them to generate more than 4V.
that is making more sence.. I guess it had to do with the graph ben posted earlier..

Er Tsteel posted.. ben mentioned.. So when testing I should do 2 mm's and make sure the V & C the diode can take is in the right. back to the equiptment... If I dont have enough diodes in the test load it's back to equiptment... Soz..
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Turn it on again a measure the voltage over one diode. My guess is it's about .54v at that current.
can I do that? I got red and blue switch! lol so just touch in and out of the first diode? Thanks for chiming in again ben and tsteel..
Yes I'm still working on this wolfman...
on red with the 3v i read 2.4V with the 18650 I read 2.92V Noo that might be 3 diodes looks like 2 but I think it is 3...
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