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First laser!

Dec 12, 2016
Hello, recently I've been looking at buying my first laser. On eBay I was looking at the Thor M2 laser, I've seen good reviews on YouTube but don't know if it's truly good. 1w laser for $75 seems too good to be true. If anyone could help me out that would be great!

I have no personal experience with this laser, but I've heard that it's decent.
$75 for a mass produced 1W blue is in a pretty common price range. Just make sure that you have the appropriate safety glasses!
It's been known to be a pretty good laser and for $75 that's an okay price. I've seen it cheaper I think. A little bit powerful for a first laser I must say, but if you're going to get something of that power you should just buy this for $80.
If you like the THOR 2 i made a custom with all the best components in that same host. No Chinese parts at all in it has a custom Brass focus adapter and i will settle for 90.00 shipped 2-day priority it take 2-16340 batteries and is 2+ watts g2 lens . i will even throw in 2-16340 AW protected batteries in with it .
Or i have a C8 for sale also as stated by Crazlaser in the above post for 80.00 .Here are some pics of the THOR 2 in action.



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Hi Trumpest, I would recommend you buy from a forum member before doing laser dealings on eBay. It's usually a hit or miss on eBay, where as here you have a lot of very good members on here. Especially what Lifetime posted in the above post. That laser is the exact same one except what stands behind it is that it is USA hand made and the person selling it I'm sure will help you if you ever had problems. Plus, my first laser I had was a Thor 2. I damaged the diode window with a q-tip and found it incredibly difficult to find a way to remove the diode for replacement. It's like they made the sinks so diodes could only go in, but not out. I'll post a picture later of what I mean.
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I don't have the Thor MK2 but I have the knockoff mini-arctic, which strangely has many of the same features.

Ebay lasers are a gamble on quality and they tend to cheap out on accessories. Mine is ok, but who knows in a month?

If you have the cash, get one from here. The accessories aren't worth the gamble. Besides, the lasers built here are so much nicer!
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Thank you for the replies! Last night I was actually looking at one of pman's builds if anyone can vouch for him. Thanks for the offer lifetime, will definitely keep it in mind. I have four acatim 16340's, would they work well or is acatim not a good brand of battery? I know AW has a good reputation but I haven't heard anything positive or negative about acatim.
Bought two 532's from him a few weeks ago, he shipped promptly and arrived as described. :san:
Never heard of them i just use AW, Panasonic, Sanyo , or E fest.. many battery diameters vary from one company to another sometimes , just due to the wrappers.

Oh about Pman well all can say he's a great guy and can be trusted.. He has been here with only good reps..

Pman (Pete) will fix you up, he's a great guy, and he'll stand behind his work! :)
