I think that you should buy a few of what you want, like those $4-5 laser pens, lets say 10, atleast you should get lucky once, and the ones seized, you will just get your money back. I am in canada have bought over 50 laser pointers, high and low power, many green labeled 1000mW from china all of them with batteries. Only once they were seized at canadian customs and sent back (I got my money back). All other cases I received them. I called canadian customs and told them, I got most but once they were seized. I was told that all of them are illegal but almost all of the officers let them in. Secondly since I admitted I have high power green and blue lasers, (1.4W) I was not asked to surrender them or anything just as a duty I was told to be safe. I dont know too much about australian customs, but I am pretty sure that they will be more after guns and drugs than these little lasers. Another option I tried to avoid risk of them getting seized was without power label but it made no difference I got everything.