I found a case on maplin:
Aluminium Boxes : Instrument Cases : Maplin
I should be able to bolt my lasers and everything down to it pretty easily. Do you think i should buy another piece of aluminum to bolt everything to just to make it a little more sturdy (i think the walls are 1.5mm wide).
Their biggest case is only 51mm high. That isnt even close to enough...Im going to email them to ask for a custom case.
Does anyone know how i can cut holes in this fairly neatly? Would it be time to break out the dremmel?
@things: I need 4 power supplies: 1) green, 2) red (it runs off of 5v dc so i would probably get a 5v ac-dc adapter) 3) scanners, 4) fans. How could i create these 4 from an input like this one:
IEC Fuse Chassis Male Power Plug with Switch - Jaycar Electronics
I dont know what fans im going to put where. If i get a custom one from maplin i was thinking of having two 40mm fans on the left and right sides of the case(that blow air in) and maybe 1 or 2 bigger fans on top to suck the air out. Do you think that is overkill? will the ones on the side be enough?
Also, I had some free time today so i started working on the sound card part of the DAC. Above the usb input there are 5 holes. Which holes do i solder wires to? I think the far left and the far right and you have to bridge the two grounds. Mine doesnt have any words on it so im kind of lost.
Im off to read andy's guide again...
Thanks guys! Once i get this case figured out ill order parts!