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new to scanners

Jan 12, 2008
I'm getting interested in scanners.Are there any faq.what are all the terms that people use with scanners.

yeah pl has the most info on projectors and bigger lasers.

also if you have any questions there are a few people here that can help you including me.
keep in mind that diagram in the link rog posted is not how your normal dpss laser projector will work...
That was before I registered on these forums, so forever from my perspective :D
yea that avatar's his in my book also hmm i dont have a book that actually says that trippy man trippy ::)
so how would i wire a scan Pro up.I want to make a rgy. How would i put it together and how would i connect it to a searl port.I also want to eventually change it to a rgv.How big of a case would i need.
really look at photonlexicon

spend a few hours searching about your questions.

but here is the ilda standard for wiring to a serial port.

