It's very tricky to build laser pointers out of flashligh-like hosts - so much can go wrong. so its important to do things step by step and make sure everything is good before moving to the next step. good solder connections and use of heat shrink tubing is important. ensuring that no bare wires are visible and in danger of shorting out anywhere.
When I do a build, I first connect up the driver to the battery case and connect it to a dummy load so i can ensure the driver is working properly. every time I power up a driver and then disconnect power, without an LD connected, I short out the LD output to discharge any caps that might be charged up before I connect the LD. then I connect the LD and ensure that everything is correct. then I check it again. then, I check it again. and again. I use heat shrink tubing at the ends of the wires going into the driver and into the LD to ensure there is no bare wires showing. then i check everything again. and again. then i check everything again. (you get the picture). then i do the "smoke test" and connect the battery case AFTER i verify that any power switches are off. turn it on and hope. most of the time it goes well and the LD lights up full power and we are good.
Now you have to assemble it all. again, you just have to be very detail oriented and ensure everything is proper and no wires are broken or twisted. anything needing heat sinking needs to be properly heat sunk using quality heat conductive adhesives and pastes. do not use too much of either - so many builds have tons of adhesive used as potting material or paste slathered on thread - this is not how you use this stuff - its not effective in giant think blobs.
you have to budget that you will break something especially when you are learning. and working with a hos you have no previous experience with requires extra care.
eventually you'll figure it out. it just take time, good build practice, searching the forum and google and asking questions.